Cord Cutting Ritual

A single candle lit in complete blackness.

Sometimes you need to cut all connections to a person. It could be your toxic friend, abusive parent, negative coworker or recent ex. You don’t have to depend on sheer willpower to make it over a relationship ending. By performing a cord cutting ritual you can get additional support in cutting all ties with someone. You can also perform cord cutting rituals to sever yourself from places or behaviors so if you need to cleanse yourself from a past situation or maladaptive habit help is here. 


This ritual doesn’t direct any harm or negative energy towards anybody or anything. It is about completing a karmic contract, ending all energetic relationships with a person, place or behavior. This can be adopted as a meditation practice you can do quickly anywhere. When I performed this as a ritual I noticed how effective it is. I felt less emotionally drawn and tied to my ex, I didn’t think about them as much or as passionately. You may find you need to perform this ritual or meditation multiple times. It doesn’t mean it’s not working, it’s just that these emotions and energetic imprints are big and might require more directed energy to sever.


I can’t stress enough that your emotional disposition impacts the ritual’s performance. You must really be ready to let go and be finished. I performed this ritual on the second Aquarius full moon on August 22, 2021. This full moon was in my 5th house of romance so ending a tie to a lover was astrologically supported. I also began the ritual during a Mars ruled hour because Mars rules cutting. 

I offer a candle and energetic practice. I like both. Some people do not like the candle part because it is “Witch Tik Tok”. You can just do the energetic practice if that is your preference. I think having a physical representation of the cord cutting like watching a real thread burn or be cut helps with focus and directing energy.

You will need two candles one small white, one small black, thread and a big cauldron or fire safe pot (and potentially scissors). This is all you need to perform the spell, but you can always add on supplies that help embody your intention like I burned Dragon’s Blood incense which helps with manifestation. I also had a rose my ex gave me, concert tickets and their hair I burned in a cauldron. 


First you want to open your circle. You can meditate, summon energy, call the elements, call upon your Ancestors, Guides, God/desses to aid your magic and protect you. Take a needle carve your initials or name into the white candle and carve the initials or name of the person/habit/place into the black candle. Take the thread and tie the two separate candle wicks or candle bodies together. 


Take a moment with closed eyes to imagine what you are cutting off, how the person made you feel, imagine the energetic cords running from you to that person. Imagine what you will gain from removing and cutting the cords, how you will feel, the peace and freedom. Sit in silence and hold that for a few moments. Without doubt or hesitation decide to cut all cords with that person. Imagine locating the cords on your body and pulling them out with one hand and making a scissoring motion or cutting motion with the other hand. Take out and sever every cord you energetically sense. Put the candles in the cauldron or firesafe pot. If you are worried about fire safety you can cut the thread with scissors instead of burning it. Light the candles and say, “I cut cords with X. Our karmic contract is complete”. Repeat as many times as you want. Once again imagine in your mind the energetic cords being severed. During this time, I burned mementos from our relationship in the cauldron. Sit in this space for as long as you need to. When you are ready close the circle and thank your Guides for their support. Ask for their continued support in helping you with keeping this door closed. Throw away all spell remnants including thread if there is any left, in the trash.

For the spell to work you must also embody the intent. So don’t cyber stalk and text your ex and get frustrated when you are still thinking about them. Align your actions with the spell and let go completely. If you ever want to reinforce the spell sit in meditation and imagine removing and cutting the energetic cords. I like to do cord cuttings in the shower then cleanse myself with a herbal spiritual bath.


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