Libra Stellium


Modality: Cardinal 

Element: Air 

Polarity: Negative  

Ruling Planet: Venus Day 

Season: Fall Equinox

Body Parts Rulership: Skin, Lower back, Lumbar Region, Kidneys

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Depiction of Libra scales and Libra glyph in a pink circle.

What the hell is a stellium? A Stellium is where there are 3 or more planets or luminaries in a sign or house. Such a high concentration of sky objects in a house or sign demands attention and care. This highly concentrated energy will surely show up in your internal and external life. You may find yourself really resonating with Libra characteristics if you have a Libra stellium in your chart. 


Libra is represented by the glyph that looks like a scale. Libra is in pursuit of equanimity and harmony. Libra reaches its highest potential in relationship to others. In relationship Libra can demonstrate its most skillful attributes of balance, non-judgment, the pursuit of justice and fairness. One of Libra's most powerful assets is the ability to hold two truths at once, Libra fucks with a paradox like no other sign can. Libra fundamentally understands that life itself is a paradox. Libra listens to the arguments and thoughts of others especially when in disagreement. Libra truly believes that conflict is an opportunity to build intimacy and strengthen relationships. 


Libra's instinct is to look to the other when considering the self. This instinct isn't wrong or stupid. It just is. When you and your partner can't pick what you want to eat that night and maybe they look at you annoyed or you feel annoyed with yourself because you can't decide, there presents an opportunity to practice self-acceptance. You just rather eat food you both want than a food that only pleases you. In that meal you want the peace of mind of all parties satiated and content. Even in something as minor and short-lived as dinner, you want fairness in it. To have that balance of you and your lover both eating food you are excited and nourished by brings peacefulness. 


The challenge of so much Libra energy, which you already know, is that your own needs can become obscured. Your instinct to be in balance with the other may dilute your ability to locate your own wants for yourself. You can become indecisive or acquiesce to other people to your own detriment. 


I want to emphasize that this is what it is. There is no reason to criticize or get down on yourself for being inherently other-oriented. It's a significant contributor to your ability to practice compassion to so many different sentient beings and it allots you emotional intelligence that some people spend their whole lives cultivating. 


Strategies for locating your own needs: 


I would suggest building diverse skillsets to help you locate your own needs/sensations in your body/mind. Such as yoga, reiki, acupuncture, qi gong, mindfulness breathing, Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping, intuitive eating, or meditation. 


Writing affirmations for yourself and saying them daily into the mirror can be very helpful. By writing them yourself you can address directly where ever you need an extra shot of compassion and kindness. 


Wearing rose quartz, rhodochrosite, or rhodonite and imbuing it with these affirmations and prayers can be helpful. Sit with the crystal, meditate on its physical and energetic attributes. Speak to it about how it can specifically aid you "When I hold you I feel peace and self-love". 


Creating art is one of the most generative actions you can engage in, you are taking little pieces of you and materializing them visually or experientally for others. So make art while suspending self- judgment. Make art because it feels nourishing, because you feel good when you do it, make art because you are a creative genius, make art you'll never show a soul or display. Make art for yourself. As an act of love and service for yourself. It doesn't need to be big or perfect, it is just tapping into yourself. 


Practice self-gratitude. I think gratitude lists in general are very effective energy influencers. You could be in an utter shit mood, but listing out physically all the things in your life you are grateful for can be a kind reminder that it isn't all going to hell and you are not a piece of shit. So, do that except orient the gratitude towards yourself. What about you are you grateful for? Perhaps your beautiful eyes, maybe your hair, maybe the flexibility or strength you developed from yoga, maybe the fact that you love life. Give yourself compliments. List them out. Go for at least 5. Nothing is too ridiculous, small and definitely nothing is selfish. 


How to develop assertion: 


When you have instances where you have an urge to speak against someone's opinion, advice or vibration really pay attention to that...


What does disagreement feel like for you? Because of Libra's need for peace they will sometimes swallow their opinions to avoid disruption. What is your reaction to disagreeing with others-to voice your opinion immediately, to think about it for awhile and talk it out with them later, to placate them and voice your true ideas with someone you feel more comfortable speaking candidly to, to shove it deep down and hope it's not an issue at a later date? 


These are questions to consider and what I challenge you to do is practice disagreement until it is no longer something that feels immensely uncomfortable for you. Disagree with safe people you trust, your family members, your friends, your acquaintances, where ever the opportunity presents itself (obviously within reason and compassion in mind). Disagree with me if you think this or anything else I say/write is way off point! The goal isn't to argue unnecessarily about trivial shit, the point is to identify that you feel differently about something than someone else and to articulate that difference in a peaceful yet self-affirming way. And to articulate that difference in the moment, when you are actually feeling the "Hey that's not what I think/I don't think that's true/wow that was a compassionless/unskillful thing to say". 


Hyper concentrated Libra can avoid confrontation and approach conflict with placation rather than authenticity. As I alluded to before conflict is vital to the health of our relationships. Conflict is inevitable and a fundamental part of life. You are on this planet, in this life, to live your life as truly and authentically as you can. You are here to be your own bedrock, moral compass, cheerleader, mentor. You have these capacities. Choose them and choose to see yourself as an agent making shit happen, for your own benefit and yes, also to the benefit of those you cherish, but foremost, prioritizing your life, your needs, your wants, your goals. 


It would be helpful to develop Aries qualities to address your tendency to over prioritize other people's opinions. Aries is unabashedly bringing their two cents to every conversation. Aries is willful, making moves confidently and asserting their wants/needs with vigor. 


Additional Strategies for building assertion: 


Wearing bloodstone, ruby, garnet. 


Burning cypress, pine, patchouli or Dragon's Blood. 


Taking iron supplements or eating foods high in iron (if you have a heavy period flow that could be good medically as well). 


Reading about assertive, passive, and aggressive communication styles. Identify your own patterns of communicating and experiment with being more assertive. 


Some tips: practice saying no, practice starting sentences with "I think", "I feel" or "I disagree" and try projecting your voice to sound more confident or loud if you tend to speak softly. I recommend reading books and scouring the internet for trusty sources. 


Read about boundaries! How to have them and how to uphold them.


Energetic Hygiene


Why I Don’t Vote