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Andreya: Welcome to Real Life Astrology. In this monthly podcast, we share our unique insights applying astrology both to our personal lives and the society we live in. Thanks for joining us as we make astrology not just a scroll and like experience, but an integral part of your daily life. This is a cosmic connection that's as real as it gets.
I'm only one of your hosts, I'm Andreya. And I'm LaToya. And I'm Iris. Uh, my pronouns are they, them.
And today we are going to talk about planetary magic. Woohoo! It's a big topic, but hopefully we'll be able to break it down and make it easy for you guys to understand and how we use it. So yeah, let's start.
Iris: I wanted to preface this by saying, like, I don't know about you guys, but um, my relationship to planetary magic Is like more intuitive than it is like based in reading like texts from Uh the renaissance or like medieval Practitioners.
Yeah, I think all that's really cool and I want to read it one day. I have a million books. I want to read um but If you're interested in that we'll talk a little bit about texts you can look at but for me it's not super focused on like Um, those roots, and it's more intuitive, and I guess more modern approaches.
LaToya: Yeah, I'm on the same boat right now. I've just started, like, reading this one text about, um, Lunar Magic by Christopher Warnock, I think I'm saying that right? Um, but yeah, I'm just starting as well. Um, I, I felt led again, redirected again to, to study astrological magic. But yeah, like you, Iris, I'm, I have all the books that I want to get.
The Picatrix being one of them, um, which is like the bible of astro, uh, astrological magic. But, um, yeah, so I haven't got it yet, but I'm, I'm like, okay, I'm gonna save my coins and, and get this book, so I will, I can start my, my studies, but. Yeah,
Andreya: yeah, I agree with everything that you guys are saying. I think magic is intuitive. I like to listen to, I forgot her last name, but her name is Andrea, and she owns an astrological library in the States. And You know, she really just breaks it down to understand, like, what you have available to you and, like, just really checking in with your body and using, like, the core magical sense as your intentions.
And so I think that's all intuitive.
LaToya: Yeah, for sure. So shall we start in describing what is a planetary magic and that our listeners know, like what we're exactly talking about and how we engage with it?
Iris: Yeah, let's do it.
LaToya: All right.
So the first thing is that, you know, with planetary magic, we are invoking these energies that the planet Represent when directing it in a way that is in our favor to make life easier, or, you know, bring some kind of, um, just to elevate our experience here on Earth, at least that's how I, I see it.
Um, what are your thoughts on that? Like, what do you, how do you relate to that?
Andreya: Yeah, each planet has their own unique qualities, correspondence, symbolism. And like, they have their own practice on how we harness their magic. Um, each planet represents, like, every aspect in life, so depending what you want and need depends on what planet we're gonna build a relationship with.
LaToya: Mm hmm.
Iris: Even if you have a planet in your chart that Is unaspected, like it's not in conversation with any other planet. It's still in a sign and in a house and it's doing something. And you can work with that planetary energy whenever you want to. It's just about like cultivating a conscious access point to it.
Um, because like, I think a lot of astrology is just cultivating awareness because it's already happening whether you're like tuned into it or not. So it's just like conscientiously being like, Oh, if I want to, I can tune into this energy. And I can be more intentional about how I externalize it in the world.
LaToya: Hmm. That's a good way of breaking that down. I like that. Like recently I was, um, connecting with my, um, fallen moon that's in s moon in Scorpio. And the way it wanted to express itself freaked me out because like immediately, um. I don't know, because I was like, oh, I should nurture it. I don't know. It's like, kind of like, kind of bring attention to it, like you said, and as soon as I went out.
Like, because my husband and I, we like to go on date nights, and we end up meeting this person that was like Scorpio Sagittarius, and she was so intense. She was like, because we were talking about getting land and stuff, and so she was like going into the conspiracies, which is not conspiracies, like we know that these things are true and, and all these things, but still it was like coming from a standpoint of like, You guys got to get your shit together.
And this is the stuff that's going on behind the scenes and you need to be aware of it and you need to think bigger. And it was just kind of like freaking me out. And I was like, oh my gosh, let me put my moon back in the IC and just walk away. That was a lot of energy to like deal with. So yeah, just being mindful of.
Yeah, what you're waking up, I think is important, but I like how you're saying, like, how you relate to and how it's externalized in the world. It's like, kind of, yeah, reflecting on your, on the energies that you're invoking, um, Iris, that was, yeah, pretty much what my experience was recently.
Andreya: That's hilarious.
Iris: I was, I was recently thinking about how, like, so I live, this is a tangent, I live in Portland, Oregon, and, like, I started, like, doing research on the history of Black and racial minority groups here. And just like how they've been historically disenfranchised and that's still like impacting like them in the present.
And um, like as a black Puerto Rican person who comes from a poor family, I've never thought that I would have the ability to own property. Like that's just like seemed so, like that seems so. intangible to me and like, like almost like the way people fantasize about winning the lottery is how it feels to like own a house to me and like just reading about red lining and like all of the shitty real estate company practices to prevent people from getting housing and historically it was like we took land And homes from indigenous people of this land.
We historically have prevented black people from owning homes or getting access to home loans and other racial minorities, but now it's like, no one can afford a home, um, regardless of what racial or ethnic identity you are. And like, it's really fucking sad. But one of the, one of the things that. I kind of, one of the like, the, the, the feelings I've like, read, reading about like, black folk experience thing, this is, you should have stood up for us when it was happening to us, because now it's happening to all of us.
Um, so tangent, but I've been thinking about it.
LaToya: Yeah, and that's, that's exactly what I was feeling was just kind of like overwhelmed by like, Wow. I already feel like I don't have access to getting the land. And then also now I have to learn how to manage my money. It was like, I just feel so. Far behind, um, on being a landowner and what it all entails and just like meeting this woman who was literally like the manifestation of moon and Scorpio for me, woman, moon, Scorpio placements, prominent, um, telling me like, basically the secrets that I've been wanting to like, I just like, it's just overwhelming to accept, um, just plain out, In the open telling me like this is what you're up against.
And, um, you gotta think bigger. And it's kind of like, well, shit, like how do I do like how, you know, and, um, you know, granted, you know, Jupiter has been helping me like find where I need to go to make more money, but still at the same time, I just, working with the psychology that I have Scorpio is it's a lot like it's a lot of deconstructing and understanding where did this come from and and grief um and I'm like great that's my moon that's my moon in Scorpio that's kind of like you have to work through this to to get what you really want it's hard you know um so fair warning you guys if you have any Placements that are, you know, in detriment or consider that it's full.
It doesn't mean you can't have it. It's just like, you got a lot of shit to, to get through, to, to rise above. And, and when you invoke the energy of that planet, it's going to reveal what it is that you need to work on to be able to get on level ground, to, yeah, to build on something solid. Um, yeah, that's my understanding right now.
Iris: Um, planetary magic is also about venerating a planet. Like the traditional, like, like if we look at Hellenistic culture and society, like they were worshiping these gods and goddesses that we call mythology now. Um, so this is, uh, this is also, it can be like a religious or spiritual practice where you're like actually venerating a planet.
Which might sound far out for people who lean more agnostic or atheist, but still practice magic. But you can also still venerate a planet, or if you don't like that word, you can still work with the planetary energies of a planet, even if you, um, are more atheist or agnostic, witch, or magic practitioner.
LaToya: Yeah, that's a good point. What does that look like? Because I'm still kind of I feel like I'm more agnostic, but I don't know. I'm like, I'm in this weird, like gray area of like how I relate to the planets. And, um, so how do you, how do you, if you're coming from the agnostic or atheist standpoint, like, how do you connect to these energies and like, how do you see them?
Iris: If it's not God or goddess or what have you. I mean, I think you could take it back to just like. The moon controls the oceans on the planet and we are mostly composed of water. So like even if you don't believe like, like deeply in like planets actually being some kind of divine thing, influence, You can still believe that like planets can influence us and like for me like my perspective is like how How like how self centered and like small minded are you to think that like we live in this huge?
cosmic Universe like, like so, like, like we're so small in comparison to everything around us and like our solar system is just a small part of it. Like how can you not believe that we are influenced by the planets or that there might be like other life forms out there or whatever. I don't know. What do you think, Dre?
Andreya: Yeah, I mean, like, astrology is nature, and it's synced with the seasons, and that's why I study astrology, because I feel like it's the mother. Like, if you break down every other, like, religion, or ceremonial practice, or any woo woo, you can break it down, break it down, break it down, and it just leads you back to astrology.
And I think, like, Not to, like, just to, like, ping pong back, I think, even just, like, aligning yourselves with the days of the week, because the planets Like rule the days of the week. So like Monday is moon's day, like Wednesday is mercury day, Friday is Venus day, and then you can even break it down by the hour, like even planets rule different hours.
So like Iris was saying. It's all around us, even if you aren't aware of it. And again, what Iris said in the beginning, like magic is awareness. And so it's up to you, what you want to bring into your bubble of awareness.
LaToya: Yeah, that's good. So planetary remediation, what is that all about? What do y'all, how do y'all see that?
Iris: Um, well, we can talk about it more in a minute, but I just wanted us to note that planetary remediation is part of planetary magic. And I feel like planetary remediation might be more, um, like more people might have heard about remediation.
than they've had heard about planetary magic. And then, um, a big part of planetary magic is making talismans, which I've never done before, but I want to at some point. I think it sounds really interesting. And like, I know people, I know people like do all sorts of like, complicated formulas to like, figure out the perfect times to like make talismans and the purpose of the talisman is to like channel that energy of that planet into the talisman, talisman to help you achieve a goal or do something and making talismans is especially relevant to the European grimoires.
Of medieval and renaissance traditions, like the Key of Solomon, the Picatrix that Latoya was talking about earlier, which is like, really well known, the Arbital, and the works of Agrippa. And also in the Arabic tradition, each planet has a ruling angel and a earthly king or a djinn king. So very interesting just stuff to consider.
I'm going to keep talking. So a lot of people when they talk about planetary remediation, I feel like a lot of people are like, Oh, there's a problem and this is the solution. And that's not how I really conceive of it, because I feel like I don't want to think about planets as good or bad. Um, like I think all planets give us opportunities to grow and like, don't get me wrong, there's been times where I've like cursed out Saturn and Mars and Mercury, but like, I still don't think they're just like bad or like, um, I don't think being a malefic means that they're only malefic.
Um, I think part of doing planetary remediation is. Um, is like accepting the planet for what it is and like the placements in your chart and working with it, um, versus trying to make it be something that it's not. Um, yeah, and then just like a, like a definition of remediation is working with the challenging conditions of the chart by assessing the condition of the planets and offering strategies to fortify that planet, so it is more supported.
Um, in traditional astrology, this is typically looking at the dignity and ability of a planet.
LaToya: Yeah, I agree, um, with the malefic, um, Planet. And it's like, they, they're not necessarily bad, like you were saying, kind of see them as like the problem child, the child that wants to do a certain thing and will not listen or, you know, be forced to be do something else. And so you really have to like spend time with it and understand it and figure out like, okay, what can you do what is something that you're like really wanting to accomplish and like giving that.
Okay. The space to to do that and to do that. Well, but if you're trying to like force, you know, the square into the circle, you know, it's it's not going to to work. Um, and then, yeah, with the fallen or like the debilitated planets, like, they're not bad. It's just kind of they perform, um, an unusual way. So, like, Example of Venus and, um, you know, when she's exalted in Pisces, you know, it's easier for her to indulge in the lovely things or to, um, find pleasure.
Um, but as an Aries, you know, the Venus and Aries finds pleasure and conflict, you know, and, and trying to find resolution in that. So that's like an example that I see that it's unusual for Venus to do that, but she still has a job to do in that place. Thanks. Um, so yeah, I think like remediation is like understanding the planet and what it's what it's trying to do or what is it, you know, whereas it's trying to perform and how to support it is as remediation.
I agree with that.
Andreya: Oh, I love this so much. Yeah, I, I agree with, with all of you is like remediation to me is just another side of shadow work. It's just understanding what's hard for you to accept and love, and then trying to find ways. To learn more about it, so that you can go through the motions of loving and accepting it, like what Latoya was saying earlier on, like, how she was trying to nurture her Scorpio moon, and when she, the harder she did that, the more it just wanted her to surrender.
And let go and understand that when everything's falling out of place, it's actually falling in place, which is very scorpion, you know?
LaToya: Yeah, exactly. And it, don't get me wrong, it does feel annoying because it's just like, why can't you perform like a cancer mood and just give me the land or whatever, you know?
But it's like, no, you got to understand what is it, like, what are you actually receiving and what are you giving and all these things and how to deeply care for and protect it. You know, um, because maybe, you know, with having a fourth house moon, I do acquire this land, but I have to make sure it stays in with the community or something, you know, um, so I have to know the ins and outs and so maybe, you know, y'all kind of convincing me to continue to nurture my moon, spend time with her, even though she freaks me out.
Iris: What
aspects does your moon make in your chart?
LaToya: Oh my god, all the, I'll say all the wrong ones. It's funny. Um, so she's squared, squared by Mars. So Mars has a superior square to the moon. It's conjunct Pluto. And, um, it's trine by Saturn, Saturn, who is the constructive malefic of, of my set of the sect of my chart.
So it's, My moon in Scorpio is in, you know, traditional perspective lens, it's, it's struggling, you know, it has a lot of, um, a lot to work through and process. Um, but yeah, that's what I'm, I'm working with, trying to understand.
Iris: How have you remediated it thus far in your life? Like what kind of. Practical or like spiritual things have you done?
LaToya: Um, I think the big part is, um, Studying astrology has really been helpful because that helped me understand, like, why am I so different from family, uh, from my own family and how and also how really I'm just like them. It's just the parts of them that they're ashamed of, and they're don't know how to deal with and it's overwhelming.
They're just kind of suppress that. Um, and then another thing. I, you know, therapy was something that, you know, I've worked, you know, to help me understand my mind and my emotions. And, and, um, which another thing too, is like with that Scorpio moon, it's like that tendency to suppress, um, emotions or like the reality of things because it's overwhelming.
Um, and. And when you do that, you know, for so long, it gets to the point where you don't even know how to access, you know, those deeper parts. And so you need someone to help you get deeper into that. So therapy is really helpful. Um, and then now I'm, I'm just kind of like doing some spell work to, to connect with it and, um, studying more about the moon itself and, um, yeah, that's kind of like how I'm working with it right now.
Iris: I think the moon is. Like the most, one of the most accessible places for someone to start with planetary magic, because it's the closest object to us. Like we have the most interfacing with it. We see it like a lot in the sky. Um, I think that if someone doesn't know where to start with planetary magic, just starting with your moon is a good place.
Just taking notice of what sign it's in, what house. Um, if you are a beginner in astrology, like learning more about the archetype of the moon or the archetype of the sign that it's in, or the significations of the house, looking at the conversations it's having with other planets in your chart, and do we want to play a game?
Um, do we want to, does someone want to think of like an aspect? And then we, like, talk about how we would remediate for it.
LaToya: Mm hmm. Let's start with the one I mentioned. Mars, square, moon, or moon, square, and Mars.
Andreya: And what sign? Like, what are the signs?
LaToya: Uh, Mars and Leo, square, moon, and Scorpio.
Andreya: Okay.
Okay. Go ahead. Sorry.
Iris: No, you go ahead, Dre.
Andreya: Okay, so what is the, like, what is the medicine between, like, Moon and Mars? And, like, it's funny because, like, when we're dealing with Mars, like, Mars needs outlets. It needs, like, different hands in the cookie jar to, like, to expand or dissipate the energy that it has.
And I'm kind of getting off topic here, but, like, I also think about, like, the alchemy and, like, how to transmute, um, this energy, and, like, with this aspect, I really, like, I think, like, Jupiter is playing a part, because I think, like, The more you figure out your Jupiter and what Jupiter is doing in your chart, I think it can give you the outlets that you're, like, trying to look for.
Because I feel like you are trying to, like, get to know your moon, but your Mars, like, keeps distracting you. I think building a stronger relationship with Jupiter will give you insights on how to deal with that aspect, but like, please let me know if I'm like totally out of line.
LaToya: Well, that's that's definitely the approach I've taken, um, because of Jupiter being the So I'm just like looking at him like, okay, give me Give me a sense of, um, optimism because these placements are hard to deal with.
Um, and that's kind of like how I do, like, remediation, I guess, based off of the whole chart, like looking at the whole chart. So if, like, you're dealing with depression, we'll look to your, depending if you have a night chart, you know, look to Venus, or if you have a day chart, look to Jupiter instead, because that will help lighten up the load a bit.
Um, but yeah, so that, that's pretty accurate, but it's coming from the peripheral, for sure.
Iris: Um, I have a out of sign moon Mars conjunction and like, I've heard people say that like out of sign means that it's not as prominent, but like, I don't find that to be true in my experience of this aspect. Like, let me look at my chart, let me see how many degrees off it is.
LaToya: Yeah. Can I say something to that.
Yeah, like my thought is like your planets are in the same house right like they're literally in the house, but they're in different rooms. So you can still hear what that person or that planet is doing shouting if they're crying if they're Fighting or whatever, or singing, like you still hear it, so it still affects your way of being, um, if that makes sense.
So I think, yeah, even if it's out of sign, it's still, it's still present.
Iris: That's, that's a really good visual. I like that a lot. I'm going to use that when I'm, the next time I have to explain this to a client. It's four degrees off. Um, and it feels intense. And like, for me, I really had to work on my anger because I grew up in a violent household where I was abused on a regular basis.
So like, My first experiences of anger were that it's volatile, it's aggressive, it's punitive, and it's justified. And I was taught that like, Your emotions are reason to escalate a situation. And like now I know as like an adult that just because you feel something like doesn't mean you should like act out whatever you're feeling.
Like the strongest feeling isn't always necessarily like a lot of times it's not the most skillful like road to take. And for me, I really had to do a lot of work on like. And I still have anger issues. Like, my boyfriend tells me that he's never seen anyone have anger outbursts like me. And like, I'm not, I don't hit walls, I don't throw stuff.
I'm not like, screaming at him. But I do yell and I get pissed off and like I have to learn how to continually manage that and like I'm also in recovery from drugs and alcohol and I feel like having anger issues is like having an alcohol or drug issue. Like, even when you're sober, it's still an issue, like, it's never gonna go away completely unless I become, like, a fucking zen master, um, at, like, meditating and stuff, but I don't think that's gonna happen, so, like,
LaToya: Oh, it's not in this life.
Iris: Not in this lifetime. So I've really had to work on my anger, um, and for me, Like Dre said is like Mars has all of this like energy and just wants to manifest that energy into the physical realm. So I had to really like have outlets for my anger. Um, and like, like you said, like talk about it in therapy.
LaToya: Um, I feel like a lot of my anger is related to my childhood. Like a lot of things are so like I have a stellium in my fourth house. Um, And that fourth house is in Capricorn and I've done a lot of work with remediating Saturn. That's probably the planet that I've done the most remediation on. And as a very Capricorn person, like it's one of the planets that I feel most like in my life.
Like I feel that energy on a basis. Um, and there's stuff you can do, like Dre said, like On a planetary day of Mars. which is Tuesday, um, on the planetary hour of Mars, if you really want to get into it, you can read Mars, his Orphic hymns, which is the 87 religious poems to honor the gods and goddesses, um, dates back to the Hellenistic period of Greece.
Um, you could make that Mars day and hour the time that you like go practice jiu jitsu or run.
Can I say something? The hymns are so beautiful. When I heard it like read out loud, like for the first time, because I was in a group, like a magical group, I almost like cried because I was just like, Oh my gosh, that's exactly what Mars needs.
So yeah, that's such a good like suggestion.
Andreya: Yeah, and can I just remind everyone before Iris keeps going, like, astrology is the mother, like, numbers, sounds, nature, it's all connected.
Iris: Um, yeah, and also, like, you can work with your moon in this aspect too, um, like, you can read your moon orphic hymns, or you can do stuff for yourself during moon day and moon hour, like, You like cook yourself a really nice meal and like you eat it and like you can bless your food or like put energy in your food.
Um, you can like garden, like at a community garden at that time. Um, you can like. Call a friend who is having a hard time and give them some of that moon energy of like offering Nurturing to someone who's in in need of it
LaToya: Make me cry Beautiful.
Andreya: I have a friend who Like tries really hard to only do like deposits or withdrawals or goes to the bank on Thursdays during Jupiter's hour. Um, it doesn't work all the time, but that's like her goal in life is to just honor Jupiter and money on Thursdays because Jupiter rules and I've tried that in my own life, but you know, life be life and I can't.
LaToya: Oh, that's cool. I like that. That's a good way of connecting to Jupiter. I had, I had a client that said her husband, her husband and her like,
um, likes to party on Jupiter Day. That's when they break out the wine and just be silly with their friends. Um, yeah, that's like their way of honoring Jupiter.
Andreya: In the goddess community, I'm in on Fridays, which is Venus day.
We have a deconstructing hour, which is like very plutonium on Venus day, but, um, it's very cool because like what we just, we deconstruct reality. We like, really understand like what's happening in our lives. Like, what are we manifesting? Like different conspiracy theories and, um. Um, we just like come to conclusion like the different medicines that we can utilize in our lives to understand, uh, what path of destiny we're on and how we can navigate it.
Um, and you know, we just get together as goddesses on Venus Day. So fun.
LaToya: I love that. So yeah, RS, you actually mentioned your ruler, the Saturn, and so shall we talk about why the chart ruler is really important in planetarium magic, just to kind of go deeper with that. Um, yeah. Um, so I have this quote from Demetra George, which I really like.
Andreya: Um, it's from her book, Astrology and the Authentic Self. It's on page 90, and she writes, The planet that rules the ascendant gives information about how and where the person is motivated to act and to what extent the actions will lead to the realization of the life purpose. In a broader sense, the condition of the planetary ruler of the ascendant you And its relationship to the ascendant itself speaks to the issue of whether or not the individual has the resources and capacity to direct the course of life to clearly defined goals.
Um, yeah, so my chart, I'm a Libra rising, so my chart ruler is Venus, um, but my Venus is in Capricorn. So like, it's not just Venus, it's also Venus's relationship to Saturn, and what Saturn is doing in my chart. And, since I have a lot of objects, celestial objects in Capricorn, I spend, like, the first thing that attracted me to astrology was my stellium.
So like, I think about this a lot, and like, I've worked with Saturn. Saturn is about Um, like deprivation and restriction. So I've done a lot of giving stuff up in the name of Saturn. Um, like it took me many attempts to permanently quit smoking cigarettes. But many of those attempts, I would be like, Saturn, like, this is for you, like, this is an act of pleasure that I really enjoy, but like, I know that it's not good for me, and it's like, killing me, so I'm gonna give this up, even though it gives me a lot of pleasure.
And like, I feel like when you give up something that you really like, Saturn is like, oh yeah, that's the stuff. Um, and, um. Yeah, I've done a lot of work on Venus, Venus's relationship to Saturn in my chart, um, because they're conjunct, and I've done a lot of like, work on my attachment style. Again, childhood, like for me, a lot of, I think that a lot of our relationships, platonically, romantically, professionally, we're recreating dynamics from childhood.
So just like examining the root of that and trying to understand myself better. So like I'm a healthier and kinder person to myself and the people around me. Um, if you've never read about attachment styles, I highly recommend you read about it.
That was so Libra of you. That's amazing. Like, I just want to reflect because, you know, so if you are also a Libra rising, what I heard Iris saying is like, they are learning to assert their boundaries.
You are like balancing the give and take and you're cultivating harmony.
LaToya: Yeah, and I like God. Sorry.
Iris: No, I was just saying that's a good point. Go ahead, Latoya.
LaToya: Yeah, and that, so to me, to go to the astrology as well, Libra is, um, Saturn is exalted in Libra. So I think that is like a way, like you look into Saturn, it's like you're seeking the highest first, as well as, you know, it's, you have the stalium and all that and Capricorn too.
So I think that's, it's really smart, um, to, to do that.
Andreya: Right,
because when you're working with Saturn to deal with your Libra, like the Saturn Capricorn ness is cultivating patience and resilience to then cultivate harmony, right?
Iris: Yeah.
LaToya: And lasting and healthy relationships. Yep. That's great. Which makes Libra so happy because I know like I know a lot of Libra and they, they are so about relationships like they will stick with their relationship, even though it's like not the most healthy thing for them.
And so, yeah, really working with your Saturn if you're Libra rising. It would really help you see, like, this is not a healthy relationship for you, for them, blah, blah, how do we work through it in a more practical, real sense, so that it lasts for a long time, or you retract a relationship that's good for you for a long time, so that's really good.
Um, yeah, so chart rulers, and I guess also looking at their exalted planet is really important. Um, that got me thinking about mine, like, I'm like, uh, because I'm Leah rising and, huh.
Oh, Lia Rising, and it's in Gemini. The sun is in Gemini. Um, so the ruler of that sign, Gemini is Mercury. That's in the 12th. Um, so it's interesting because they are actually adverse to each other, the sun and, and Mercury. So they don't really have a direct theme. Like they don't see each other directly, but they hear, I guess, kind of like hear each other in a different room.
Um, so having to develop. My senses and like hearing feeling is like really important for me whenever it's like dealing with a diverse planets. Um, but just if you want to make it simple, you would just look at the chart ruler, which is done. That's rules, Leo. That's the ruling of the sign. So, um, I don't know, I have something I have to really think about.
Um, yeah.
Andreya: Yeah, so the chart just to. Send clarity, the chart ruler. Is your rising sign, and then whatever your rising sign, um, whatever planet rules your rising sign is your ruler planet of your chart.
But yeah, it gets complicated when, I mean, you can, you can make astrology, astrology is what you want it to be, you can make it as simple as possible, or you can make it as complicated as possible. You get to choose.
LaToya: Yeah, for sure. I mean, even just like looking at the chart ruler. Um, let's say it's Leo. Uh, there's a rising sign and the sun is your ruler in the 11th that that tells you a lot about your life and, um, what you can do and then you can go deeper and then deeper like the aspects and, um, if it's looking at the ruler of that sign.
Yeah, so you can really make it, make it what you want it, but you'll still get enough if you just look at the top, the top layer.
Andreya: Yeah, yeah, like, Latoya and I are both Leo Risings, and so, like, something, I mean, I'm speaking for myself, something that I'm, like, always accepting and always seeing different sides of.
It's like embracing my individuality. Um, but also like, like doing whatever the fuck I want, but still being like generous and like warm about it. Like, cause I like having different, a lot of Pisces and Scorpio. In my chart, like it's totally easy for me to be arrogant and be like, I'm just going to do what I want.
You can come or not. And, you know, but, um, so that's just like something a Leo rising, I feel like is dealing with ongoing.
LaToya: Yeah, that's so funny that you say that like you're like, I'm gonna do whatever I want, but there's still that warmth to it, because I always get concerned that my Scorpio moon takes over and I can come off as like cold or just like.
Yeah, just not unbothered, you know, just like not really. Um, but yesterday I had a co worker that was just like, I'm quitting my job today, but I just want to let you know that you're the one of the most nicest people here and I don't have a problem with you. You're very kind and generous. And then I was like, Oh, thank goodness.
My, my Leo,
that I come off like, whatever, you know, just like, don't talk to me. Um, but yeah, so definitely.
Iris: Yeah,
so if you want to start a magical practice based on your natal chart, you can look at your chart ruler, um, you can look at your moon sign, um, also a planet that you have affinity for, like maybe you're super into Pluto, you can look at Pluto, Traditionally, because astrology started with the visible planets, um, remediation was focused on those planets, but you totally can do remediation for the generational planets.
Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. Um, one thing I do for planetary magic a lot is candle magic because it's really easy. Like you can get a candle that has a color that corresponds to the planet you're working with. You can Get like a needle or a pen or whatever and like carve the planetary sigil into the surface of the candle.
Um, you can put herbs in the candle or like around the candle. You can use crystals. Um, you can work with animal correspondences too. Um, ruins, the list goes on.
Andreya: Yeah,
Iris: I mean, like. Like we said before, um, utilizing what you have on hand, like, utilizing what you have in your yard, um, starting you can even start, like, putting water outside for the full moon, or like, you know, da I have a friend who moons the moon, you know, and it like, and it energizes her, you know, it's just what you have available to you.
There's no, there's no, like, you have to do this, like, it really is about your intention and um, how open your heart space is. There's no wrong way or right way to do it. I guess there's a wrong way to do it. What just, and the wrong way to do it is not accepting the karma that will come back around, right?
LaToya: Mm hmm. Yeah. And whenever you do these practices, you want to keep your eye out on like, what is the message or what is the breadcrumb to actually manifest what you want, because it's not, it's not going to just, well, sometimes it does just give you what you're asking for, but it, most times it's, it's helping you develop and become more of the person that can.
Hold, let's say that career that you wanting to have or that relationship that you're wanting or, you know, the money, you know, it's probably making you, you know, when you do the spell, you're probably gonna end up having to take a finance finance classes, you know, and people are going to come to you like I can teach you about finances, you know, you may not get the money, but you may learn how to manage what you have, you know, so you have to keep your eyes open and be open to how it manifests in your life unless, yeah, that's kind of like something
Andreya: Oh, lovely, Latoya.
LaToya: Yeah, becoming the person that deserves what you're asking for.
Iris: Um, and yeah, just to back up what Dre is saying, like, magic and astrology has been commodified by capitalism, so there's a lot of, like, Marketing around what you need in order to be an astrologer or to be like a legitimate witch or magic practitioner or whatever, and like what Dre said, like, like, like folk magic practices, indigenous practices, African practices, it's like utilizing things that are native in your area, utilizing All like things that you already have access to like working with the food that you eat Like you don't need to buy a bunch of stuff from etsy.
And also etsy is really fucked up. Um, You don't need to buy a bunch of stuff from etsy to like Be able to like do something like do you have intention? Do you have energy? Do you feel it in your bones in your soul in your heart? Then you can make magic
LaToya: Yeah, that's a great point, too, because like, when I was starting to, um, get into magic, I, you know, I was in a very financial struggle, and, uh, I, I didn't have the ability to buy all the different trickets and things and statues or whatever to make it look pretty, um, you know, I literally had about The herb time in my, you know, spice cabinet, and that is an herb that that corresponds with Venus.
Iris: And so that helps me connect with Venus and, and, you know, so on and so forth. I just use the stuff I had in my kitchen, the things that, you know, I love that represent that planet and I didn't have to buy all these things. And then it worked. It helped get us through a very difficult financial time, but it is mostly rooted in your intention and, and, um, Yeah, just working with what you have.
Andreya: Yeah, that's amazing. Like, I work with salt, like, a lot, and salt rules the moon, or moon rules the salt. So, literally, just utilize what you have, yeah.
LaToya: All right, is there anything else that we should talk about with planetary magic before we go into the transits that are going on at the moment, or happened, I should say?
Iris: No, let's, let's keep it moving.
LaToya: I think that's it. Yeah. So the recent transit that, um, perfected was Jupiter conjunct Uranus. We still might be feeling this now, and I don't know if it will start tapering off by the time we release this podcast. But yeah, this was a really big one, right? How did how did how did it work for you guys?
Andreya: Well, I do have a question for everyone. Like, how, how do we decipher like the ecliptic energy we just came out of to then enter the threshold of Jupiter? And you're honest. What is the difference between those energies? What do you, what do you think?
LaToya: Yeah, I guess they did kind of like work together in a way, but again, it's in separate houses, so they're in separate areas of life. Um, which they could be connected if you have like for me, like a planetary ruler. Uh, the planet rules like this, you know, the 10th house, for example, and it's in the 9th and that's where the eclipses were happening.
But, yeah, just having to keep in mind that these are separate places of life that's being affected. Um, so, like, the North Node and Aries, you know, was in the house before, um, the Jupiter Uranus conjunction and Taurus. Um, so that's kind of like how I keep it separate.
Andreya: True that, true that. Thank you. Yeah, that's been challenging for me, is just like, I find myself explaining, uh, Jupiter conjunct Uranus transit kind of very, very similar to how I'm explaining the ecliptic energy.
Um, but yeah, with Jupiter and Uranus, like, Go to your chart, find where Taurus is, and just, it probably has already happened, but just, like, get ready to, like, digest more information that might change your perspective, that might change your path, and also, I feel like, For a lot of people, like, this is revealing to you what you've been asking for, what you've been wanting.
And just because it doesn't look the way you thought it would, you know, don't deny that it's happening, right? Don't, don't miss an opportunity just because the details you were, like, manifesting or whatnot. Aren't there.
LaToya: Yeah, because Uranus is the planet of, um, you know, being unexpected or sudden and so it is going to look different than what you expected and it's so funny that you say that this is something that you've been working on for a while because like I've had this experience recently and I'm just looking at it like really now you show up now we're doing this.
I don't want to change anything, you know, like I thought I had stability over here, you know, and, and that's Jupiter and Uranus. It's like, here's this great opportunity that suddenly decided to show up, but this is something that you've been working on for a very long time, you know, um, that's interesting that you say that like that.
Iris: Um, yeah, I mean, I think what's interesting about Jupiter and Uranus is that they're both interested in creating freedom. Um, Uranus is. Revolutionary and about upheaval and will create liberation through chaos if, you know, and like Jupiter is about, like, maximizing space for freedom through philosophizing
and like, uh, Yeah, I don't know, like, I think it's interesting with this transit, the, I've been reading a lot about, like, the fascist histories of the world, different countries relationship with fascism, and, like, the last time Jupiter and Uranus were conjunct in Taurus was 1941, and it was World War II, and it was the Holocaust, and fascism was, like, rapidly growing, taking over, multiple places in the world.
Um, and we're seeing that now too. And that's not something that's specific to this transit exactly like it's been happening for years. But I think seeing, like, this genocide in Palestine, the multiple genocides happening in Africa, genocides happening in Asia, the visibility and accessibility of it through social media, like, people are, like, I, I think it's radicalizing more people, um, and
Andreya: Yeah, yeah, and I really appreciate you bringing that into perspective virus. That's something that I really like, look up to within your practice of is that you can, um. You know, decode what's happening personally, but then you also have to decode what's happening happening societally worldly. And so when we decode this transit in a bigger picture, worldly type of, um, reading, you know, we have to consider also what's else is happening in the chart and Pluto and Aquarius is a big part of this and like, we're being asked as a society to like.
No longer, like, literally no longer thoughts and prayers, like, fucking do something. Fucking do something. And I think, like, people are getting a reality check upon, like, what I've been doing for society isn't working. And so, I think we're just gonna see more, more people doing something to change what we are seeing in the world.
And I hope that we can all be a part of that some way, somehow.
Iris: Let's talk about Jupiter and Gemini. So that transit starts May 25th. Um, if you're on the west coast, it's around 4, 14 p. m. Um, this transit is going to happen for, for like a year. Um,
I feel, I feel, I feel excited about Jupiter moving into my ninth house. Um, Jupiter and Taurus is in my eighth house and I will say I, I predicted, cause I filed my taxes at the beginning of April and I still hadn't gotten my tax return from Oregon. And I was like, I bet once this fucking conjunction happens, I'm going to get my tax return.
And I did get it a couple of days after it went exact. And I was like, what? Because your eighth house rules, like. money that you get from the government, like money from other sources. Um, but yeah, I'm excited for it to move out of my eighth house. Cause like that house doesn't aspect the first house. So that's a little bit challenging.
It's a dark place in the chart. Um, I'm excited for it to be my ninth house of like travel and philosophy and like astrology. And I think it's going to be dope. Um, but also I don't want to be like, Jupiter is always wonderful and like, never like, uh, gives us challenges. Cause that's not true, but I'm excited for it.
Move into a new energy.
LaToya: Yeah. Cause like Jupiter and Gemini is actually in detriment. And so like the way that could perform is that. There's so much information that it feels like it's too much. And so you have to like, slow down and discern, is this the truth? Are they trying to trick me or, um, you know, this is spreading lies, gossip, you know, cause it's also a Gemini tendency is like to mix up information because they're getting from discredited, like not credited sources.
And so having to discern like, what is. Right. And what is wrong? Um, is is the challenge with Jupiter and Gemini because we're going to be dealing with so much information. Um, it's going to be a lot of fun, you know, maybe we'll have some more fun, you know, take talks or social media in general that people are just being silly.
But then we also going to have a lot more information to work through. Um, and then Saturn also is. Involved with this transit as well. And it's because Saturn is in Pisces. This is Jupiter sign. So Jupiter can't just run away and just have all the fun and Gemini and all the information and studying and sharing information.
Yeah. So also has to answer to Saturn, which is concerned about water quality, you know, the forever chemicals in our water, or, you know, what is, you know, What is our responsibility and how are we taking care of the collective and all of this as well? So there's some of that that we're going to have to deal with with Jupiter and Gemini.
Andreya: Yeah, I'm pretty much just going to repeat everything you guys have said, but I mean, yeah, just like the versatility, the adaptability. I think that's what's going to be like challenging here when it comes to Jupiter and Gemini. Again, like We're being asked to do something and so like do something for society like in a bigger picture way.
And so Jupiter and Gemini. Um, yeah, this is about social connections, and this, this energy, like we're going to get an extra boost of energy to have. Have, like, an outlet to do something when it comes to, like, socializing within our communities, and if we don't utilize this energy, then we can become, like, super scattered and super restless, and maybe even, like, stir up some drama in our life that wasn't there to begin with, just because, like, we are avoiding the fact that the fact that we're being asked to do something like on a bigger picture level.
Does that make sense?
LaToya: Yeah. Given the, the information that you have. Yeah. Yeah. And so like Gemini, Gemini loves to do things like Gemini is about applying that knowledge. And so it's like, let me play with this. What does it look like when I do it through this medium? What does it look like when I do it through this media?
You know, like. What can we do, how we can have fun with this information. And so if we're not using Jupyter and Gemini constructively, it can end up being, did you hear what that person said? Oh, they said this and that, and now we gotta go do this because we gotta beat them to it. Or, you know, and, and it could just be a hot mess in your neighborhood or in, in your friend group.
And, um, so yeah, so just being mindful of, of how you're using that. How are you using your information to, um, broaden your horizon or make things better or bigger? Um, it's, it's really important during this time.
Iris: Um, yeah, I think that I've heard a lot that Jupiter is thought of as like the big picture or the grand idea and Mercury is the minutiae and the details.
And like Jupiter has all of this grandiosity and it's trying to funnel that through the energy of Gemini and Gemini is like a sieve and only wants to take in so much, you know, um, so that'll be interesting to work with. It's also interesting because this transit is going to be happening. in um, the seventh house of the U.
S. Sibley chart, which is like the chart that astrologers use as like the birth chart of the United States, the so called United States. And um, it's going to be interesting because Mars is in that house. Um, and so is Uranus. So Jupiter is going to be aspecting Uranus and then aspecting Mars. And like, that's some big fucking energy.
Like, Jupiter is already about maximalism and just like, making things bigger. Uranus is chaos. Mars is like, fucking, can be really brutal. Like, that's big energy. So, we might, we're probably gonna see that like, play out politically. And like, the seventh house in mundane astrology would be like, Our business relationships with other countries, our foreign relationships, our military alliances.
LaToya: Yeah, I see a lot of negotiating and cutting contracts and making radical new connections and partnerships for the U. S. properly. Right. That really is going to shift the narrative. Sorry. Yeah.
Andreya: Sorry, dude.
LaToya: That's good.
Andreya: Um, and I just want to, you know, remind everyone that I feel like the planets are giving us these wonderful opportunities, but in a very short time span, because once Pluto moves back into Capricorn.
We're going to have a different story. And so I really feel like we have a time limit on, you know, what decisions can be made during this time, how we're going to utilize this energy.
Iris: Well, we'll see what fucking happens.
LaToya: All right, so what are we doing this month? Or, yeah, we got neighbors. What are we doing? Who wants to start? Professionally, what are we doing?
Iris: Um, so, on Sunday, this is gonna happen, like, and then the podcast is gonna be published, so, like, by the time people hear it, it's gonna be in the past, but I'm doing a divination fair at the Raven's Wing in Selwood, um, so I'll be reading astrology charts and, like, tarot and oracle. Um, you can come. to my astrology group, also at the Raven's Wing, which is this month, um, on the third Sunday of the month, um, which is the 19th.
Um, that's the Selwood neighborhood in Portland, Oregon. We're going to be talking about the planets, um, the first five, the sun through Mars, and it's going to be a grand old time. Um, tickets are sliding scale, 10 to 20, and you can go to the Raven's wing. Um, Google the Raven's Wing and they have an events page.
And that's it.
Andreya: That's wonderful. That's going to be such a fun gathering. I can't wait to hear about it. Um, for me, uh, really I'm just, uh, accepting readings, uh, via Zoom. Um, just really, like, Trying to help clients and people walk ins who, you know, just like went through this ecliptic time and now this Jupiter Uranus time really focusing on like integrating this information, um, within their day to day and even, um, you know, people are called to it, like, even, uh, Understanding how we can utilize plant medicine like marijuana or psilocybin to integrate integrate all the information that we're giving.
I like to utilize. Your birth chart on how to maximize the medical benefits of plant medicine. So, yeah, just really focusing on, um, helping out any clients that are willing to sit down and decode their chart 1 on 1. That's really what I'm focusing on at the moment.
LaToya: That's great. Yeah, we, we definitely need that.
So I'm glad that you're working with our, you know, with our clients to integrating 'cause that, that was big energy that we had to go through that process. Um, yeah, for me, I'm, I'm currently doing readings at City Alchemist, um, on May 26th, so that's an occult shop here in Austin. And, um, and I have a market with Austin, which is, um, on May.
So if you want in person readings with me, just find me in Austin at these two places. You can look at my Instagram and you'll see the location and the address so that you'd be able to find me there. But if you want on. online readings with me. I'm also available. Um, I have my books open for the end of May and um, yeah, just follow me on Instagram Emerald Astrology and you'll, you'll find, you'll find me or just DM me if you're interested in a reading.
So I think that's it y'all. It was great. This is, I'm excited to see.
Iris: Yeah. Um, thanks for listening. Please. Like us subscribe to our podcast. Um, we're on YouTube, apple Podcasts and Spotify. Um, let us know what you think about our podcast. You can hit us up on Instagram too. We all have Instagram profiles.
Tell us what you want to hear about, what you want us to talk about on this platform. And. Yeah, share the podcast with someone, you know, who's into astrology or magic or the occult and thanks for listening.
Andreya: Thanks everyone. I enjoy your company so much.