
Person in standing tree pose with all chakras lit up.

Chakras are the energy centers of our physical and astral bodies. Chakra systems are significant in Hindu and Buddhist traditions with different branches recognizing different quantities and characteristics of chakras. Buddhist traditions focus on 5 chakras. Hindu traditions have recognized 6 or 7.  It is possible for us to feel our chakras. A prickling at the top of the head or between the eye when receiving a psychic download. Feeling a chakra bleeding out, the energy spilling everywhere haphazardly when it is overactive. When we are deeply in love, we feel a warm pressure pouring from the heart creating a bridge to our beloved. Chakras are the energetic epicenters in which we experience a multidimensional reality. You can balance your chakras through chanting mantras, yoga, meditation, energy healing, music, dance, tuning forks, bells, affirmations, working with gemstones and many other methods. 

Chakras aren’t inherently rooted to witchcraft, Wiccan or paganism, but have been commodified and incorporated in the Western New Age zeitgeist/industrial complex. I have personally found use and connection to the chakras through studying Tibetan Buddhism and energy healing such as Reiki. When exploring beliefs of different cultures/religions it is important we educate ourselves with direct teachings of the tradition and be critical of oversimplifications or regurgitations. It is my intention that sharing these correspondences can aid people in working with and identifying the different energies of the body. This is a simple introduction not an exhaustive dive into chakras. 



Root Chakra

Sanskrit: Muladhara 

Element: Earth 

Color: Red 

Seed Sound: Lam (Lum)

Affirmation: I am safe and at ease

Planet: Saturn, Pluto

Body Region: Base of spine, sex and reproductive organs, legs and feet

Hertz Frequency: 194.18

Gemstones: Bloodstone, black obsidian, black onyx, red coral, tourmaline, red carnelian, mahogany 

Activities:  Yoga, walking in nature especially barefoot, stomping feet, taking care of yourself, gardening

Balanced: Feeling rooted and secure, being able to trust, connected to Earth and body, feeling safe, stability  

Unbalanced: Groundlessness, insecurity, anxious, fearful, greed, violence, false bravado, self-doubt, parental or attachment wounds 


Sacral Chakra 

Sanskrit: Svadhishthana

Element: Water

Color: Orange

Seed Sound: Vam (Vum)

Affirmation: Creativity flows through me

Planet: Moon

Body Region: Lower abdomen, urinary tract, kidneys, sacrum, intestines

Hertz Frequency: 210.42

Gemstones: Stillbite, golden tiger’s eye, garnet, red jasper, orange carnelian 

Activities: Sex, swimming, create art, take a bath, go to the ocean 

Balanced: Passionate, creative, fluid, motivated, spontaneous, adaptable 

Unbalanced: Chronically wounded sexual or romantic relationships, emotional disconnection or overwhelm, fear of intimacy, misuse of power or feeling powerlessness



Solar Plexus Chakra 

Sanskrit: Manipura

Color: Yellow 

Element: Fire

Seed Sound: Ram (Rum)

Affirmation: I feel confident and autonomous

Planet: Mars, Sun

Body Region: Stomach, gall bladder, digestive system, liver, pancreas, diaphragm under lungs 

Hertz Frequency: 126.22

Gemstones: Citrine, golden tiger’s eye, fire opal, amber, yellow calcite 

Activities:  Dancing, boxing, martial arts, acting, sunbathing  

Balanced: Confident, willful, assertive, optimistic, purposeful, ambitious, happiness, autonomy  

Unbalanced: Low self-esteem or overinflated ego, procrastination, victim mentality, self-pitying


Heart Chakra

Sanskrit: Anahata

Color: Green

Element: Air

Seed Sound: Yam (Yum)

Affirmation: I am loving and loved 

Planet: Venus

Body Region: Heart, circulatory system, thymus gland,  respiratory system, lymph system 

Hertz Frequency: 136.10 

Gemstones: Rose quartz, green opal, green calcite, aventurine, green agate, rhodonite, amazonite 

Activities:  Hugs, making love, affirmations, sharing your feelings with others 

Balanced: Compassionate, leading with the heart, love, selflessness, gratitude, altruism

Unbalanced: Jealousy, giving too much emotionally or apathy, trust issues, grief, codependency


Throat Chakra

Sanskrit: Vishuddha

Color: Blue 

Element: Ether

Seed Sound: Ham (Hum)

Affirmation: I speak my truth freely 

Planet: Mercury

Body Region: Throat, ears, neck, respiratory system, teeth, mouth

Hertz Frequency: 141.27

Gemstones: Kyanite, turquoise, blue lace agate aquamarine, celestite 

Activities:  Chanting, singing, writing, storytelling 

Balanced: Self-expressive, truth telling, open and assertive communication, creative 

Unbalanced: Unable to express feelings or thoughts sometimes unable to listen to those of others, unable to express truth alternatively lying in excess, creative blocks, fear of speaking publicly, gossip 


Third Eye Chakra

Sanskrit: Ajna

Color: Indigo

Element: Light

Seed Sound: Om 

Affirmation: I see beyond the veil

Planet: Jupiter, Neptune

Body Region: Forehead, pineal gland, pituitary gland, eyes

Hertz Frequency: 221.23

Gemstones: Sodalite, lapis lazuli, azurite, sugilite, sapphire, amethyst 

Activities: Visualization, dreaming, astral projection, painting

Balanced: Visual imagination, intuitive, focused, can fuck with nuance, understanding and respect for astral plane  

Unbalanced: Lack of imagination, unable to concentrate, poor judgement, delusional, spiritual bypassing 


Crown Chakra

Sanskrit: Sahasrara

Color: Violet 

Element: Consciousness 

Seed Sound: Om

Affirmation: I am a spiritual being in a physical world 

Planet: Uranus 

Body Region: Top of head, central nervous system, upper spine

Hertz Frequency: 172.06

Gemstones: Lapis lazuli, amethyst, clear quartz, labradorite, selenite, moonstone

Activities:  Astral projection, prayer, meditation, communion with ancestors/spirit guides  

Balanced: Radiating love, peace, wisdom and calm, humility, bliss 

Unbalanced: Disconnection to or denial of spirit, egotistical, nihilism, faithless, angry, clinging, spiritual bypassing  



Collective Reading


Question Your Gurus