Dec 26th Buffy Tarot Astro Forecast

King of Scythes/Swords is depicted by Mayor Wilkins, Season 3’s Big Bad. He is illustrated standing at the podium during Graduation Day for Sunnydale High giving his commencement speech. There are two scythes crossed on the front of the podium.

King of Scythes/Swords is depicted by Mayor Wilkins, Season 3’s Big Bad. He is illustrated standing at the podium during Graduation Day for Sunnydale High giving his commencement speech. There are two scythes crossed on the front of the podium.

Deck: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Tarot by Casey Filly and Karl Mountford




Today at 4:33 PST the Sun in Cancer and Moon in Capricorn will be in exact opposition which is just another way to say there is a Full Moon in Cancer. Cancer is represented by a crab which spends considerable time out of water. Crabs are liminal creatures. Cancer is a Water sign, known for its emotional complexity, sensitivity, empathy, caretaking tendency and moodiness. Cancer is a cardinal sign meaning it marks the beginning of a season, summer. Cardinal signs are known for taking initiative, being highly motivated and unafraid to try something new. Although Cancer can be emotionally sensitive, they have a fierce need to protect themselves from attack so often they do not show their vulnerabilities right away.


Cancer is also related to our sense of belonging in this world and who we belong to like our friends and families. Full moons mark cycles of completion for us, so you might feel matters come to a natural end during this lunation. This full moon could highlight closure on an emotional pattern, your identity as a caretaker or co-dependent, or a story around belonging you are ready to grow out of. This full moon makes no harsh aspects. The Moon is in an applying sextile to Jupiter in Taurus. Interestingly Jupiter is exalted in Cancer and the Moon is exalted in Taurus so it’s almost like mutual reception. Then Moon trines Venus in Scorpio before it leaves Cancer. This Moon could uncover deep emotional topics, but there is enough harmony present to bring ease.


I drew the King of Scythes or Swords as elaboration for this full moon. King of Scythes/Swords is depicted by Mayor Wilkins, Season 3’s Big Bad. The Cancer Full Moon and King of Swords are advising the marriage of intuition and intellect. The King of Swords is fierce, methodical, cunning and honest. The Kings are supposed to act in the best interest of their people, utilizing their power to the benefit of all. The King can bring up questions around how are we wielding power and is it in the benefit of our well-being and others? In the Season 3 finale of Buffy the Sunnydale senior class are able to defeat the Mayor by combining their powers and coming up with a strategic plan to kill him. Some other questions to ask yourself today: Where can I shine light on my emotional responses that are no longer serving me? How can I give space for both my intuition and intellect to guide me? Where do I give up myself for others? How can I use these planetary energies to help me navigate big life transitions? How can I lean on my community? How can I contribute to my community?


Dec 27th Buffy Tarot Astro Forecast


Dec 23rd Buffy Tarot Forecast