Dec 23rd Buffy Tarot Forecast

7 of Pentacles depicting D’Hoffryn, leader of the vengeance demons, wearing a red cloak holding a staff. 7 red pentacles are stacked up to the left. 4 of Scythes/Sword Robot Buffy is charging while laying down on a tomb, 4 Slayer Scythes are above her.  The Hermit is Oz playing guitar on a tomb with a full moon behind him.

Deck: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Tarot by Casey Filly and Karl Mountford




The holidays are a tough time of year for many people. Some of us feel forced to spend time with bio family that do not understand or accept us. Some of us have been rejected by bio family for who we are. Some of us have abusive bio family and the holiday reminds of  this hole in our hearts. Some of us are overwhelmed with the consumerism of the season and feel like if we don’t spend extravagantly, we are missing out.  Some of us are widowed, orphaned, or have lost friends and family and this time of year is a bitter reminder that they are gone. Some of us are boycotting Christmas in the name of Palestinian liberation. This is a direct response to watching Palestinians being murdered with bombs that have a kill radius of 3,000 ft. They are starving, without water, without any possessions, watching their friends, family and people being injured and slaughtered. The hospitals and healthcare workers have been targeted too so they don’t even have places to heal.


Today I am going to focus on the tarot not the astrology. What will aid us over the holidays? I pulled the 7 of Pentacles, 4 of Scythes/Swords and the Hermit.  The things we have invested in long term, our habits and coping methods are crucial to continue. Now is not the time to break those habits. If you practice yoga regularly don’t stop because you are visiting your parent’s house. Keep up with the habits that emotionally regulate you, keep you sane and help you ground during these incredibly hard times. Getting enough rest is also critically important. I know a lot of us are doom scrolling right before bed. I definitely have done it. What works for me is not intaking media right before I go to sleep and if I do it is lighthearted content. Have boundaries around bedtime. Sleep with selenite and obsidian under your pillow. Or herbs that calm like chamomile. Listen to music that soothes you or makes you smile. Spend intentional time alone going on a walk, meditating, reading or doing whatever restores you. Reframe being lonely or alone as an opportunity for solitude. Take care of yourself during the holiday regardless of your circumstances your well-being is of the utmost importance.


Dec 26th Buffy Tarot Astro Forecast


Dec 22nd Buffy Tarot Astro Forecast