3 oracle cards depicting separately Moon, Trine, and Chiron. 3 oracle cards with the words “alchemy”, “joy” and ”judgement” on them.
Tomorrow Sept 21 the Moon in Sagittarius will trine Chiron in Aries at 18 degrees. Chiron is a minor planet, asteroid, comet and one of 44,000+ centaurs that orbit between Jupiter and Neptune. Chiron’s archetype is inspired by the Greek myth of the centaur that became a renowned wounded healer. Chiron had a traumatic upbringing, his mother Philyra orphaned him for being a child of rape and being born a centaur (this was his first wound). He was taken in by Apollo and Artemis who taught him medicine, astrology, music, herbalism, and hunting. He would become revered for his wisdom and healing abilities. One day he was struck by the stray arrow of Hercules. This arrow was dipped in the blood of a Hydra and gave him a permanent, chronic injury. This was his second wound. Ironically, this great healer could not heal himself and he begged Zeus to end his pain and was turned into the constellation Centarus.
Chiron represents where we are most in pain, what triggers us, where we are in most need of healing and teaching. Chiron illuminates how our core wounds are also our greatest spiritual gifts. Chiron wounds can often be traced back to childhood and most of the time are incurable. The point of a Chiron wound is to not “fix” it but to work with it, treat it tenderly and integrate its wisdom. The Chironic journey is one of alchemy, it is how we transmute our vulnerabilities into divine, healing wisdom that we can share with others.
With Chiron and the Moon both in fire signs, speaking to each other harmoniously, you can harness this energy to nurture yourself in the most loving way. Give yourself a hug, look in the mirror and cradle your face or stomach and say, “I love you for all that you do for me”. Make yourself a delicious meal, practice affirmations, dance to a song you like or hold a rose quartz while you meditate on self-love. If you have a supportive mom or a kind maternal figure in your life, call them up and talk to them. Make sure you tell them how much you care for them. If you are like me and don’t have access to that, be your own mom and give yourself the unconditional love you crave.
Chiron is so closely associated with pain, but this archetype also wants you to experience happiness. When you are so used to life hitting you in the face you become acutely tuned into your pain and the pain of others. Chiron calls for a dark night of the soul journey. We need darkness and we need light. Allow yourself to bask in life-giving light. Revel in sunshine, smile at strangers and celebrate the beauty of joy. Laugh, fuck, create, play and be silly.
Another key part of working with Chiron is exercising discernment around our wounds, deciphering their origins and impacts. If you are in a space to, try responding to these prompts.
What is a wound I carry around how I nurture myself?
Where did this wound originate? Did someone or something teach me this?
How do I hide, protect or perpetuate this wound?
How can I show myself more love and acceptance around this wound?
How is this wound my vulnerability?
How is this wound my strength?
What is one thing I can do today to give love to this wound?
Ok go do that thing now!
Decks used Whispering Words oracle by Tricia Murray at Precious Twigs on Etsy and On Astrol-OG: The Deck by Krystal Banner.