Real Life Astrology Episode 2 Transcript

Logo for Real Life Astrology. There is one circle in the middle of a black sky with stars. The circle is multi-colored with purple, blue, pink, orange and green. Inside the circle are constellations of the zodiac signs.

Logo for Real Life Astrology. There is one circle in the middle of a black sky with stars. The circle is multi-colored with purple, blue, pink, orange and green. Inside the circle are constellations of the zodiac signs. There is a microphone on the top part of circle and next to it is the word “Podcast”. Then it says “Real Life Astrology with Iris, LaToya and Andreya” in the middle and bottom portion of circle. There is a Spotify logo in bottom left corner, a Youtube logo on bottom right corner and an Apple Podcast logo in middle of top part of circle indicating you can stream on those platforms.

Episode 2 Astrological Compatibility+Chiron conjunct North Node

You can listen here on Spotify or Apple. This transcript is not perfect! But mostly accurate.

Andreya: Welcome to Real Life Astrology. In this monthly podcast, we share our unique insights applying astrology both to our personal lives and the society we live in. Thanks for joining us as we make astrology not just a scroll and like experience, but an integral part of our daily lives. This is the Cosmic Connection that's as real as it gets. My name's Andrea, I'm only one of your hosts.

Iris: I'm Iris. And I'm LaToya.

Iris: In celebration of Valentine's Day, today we're talking about compatibility. Not just compatibility with. Romantic partners, but also with like friends and family.

LaToya: Yeah. And just a disclaimer alert as we're talking about this thing, don't think that if you're person has a certain sign or placement that you guys are not compatible. You can be compatible with any sign or placement. You just have to consider your whole chart and if you don't know how to do that, please consult.

LaToya: a professional astrologer to get a deeper understanding on how you guys can be compatible. So yeah, don't think because, oh, so, so as a Pisces and I'm an Aries, we're not going to work out. You know, you can definitely work together. You have a beautiful combination in a certain way. You can just have a deeper understanding of that.

LaToya: Okay.

Andreya: Willpower, baby.

LaToya: Yeah.

Iris: Okay. So first we're going to talk about. Elemental compatibility.

LaToya: What are the elements in

LaToya: astrology? Water, fire, air.

LaToya: Yes. You're dealing with the four there. Um, do y'all want to break down what the fire element is about and how it might show up and what are the signs that are ruled by, this element?

Iris: Sure.

LaToya: Aries, Sagittarius, Leo.

Andreya: Yeah. Well, we want to talk about like fire signs as the Venus and the Moon.

LaToya: Um, I mean, yeah, if you want to, if you have any examples of that. But, like, in general, like, the element fire represents, like, this person can be very bold or energetic, passionate, courageous, or adventurous. Impulsive. Impulsive, uh, and just have a zest for life.

LaToya: Like, they're just ready to dive in. So, yeah, I guess, like, if we want to talk about, like, how does that show up with the Venus fire person or moon, which is, yeah, another thing to consider. Like, compatibility isn't just your sun sign, it can also, it, you must also consider your moon and Venus, maybe even Mars as well.

LaToya: Yeah. Um, yeah, so it can get really complex really fast, but yeah, if you want, if you have any examples of Venus, um, definitely share what that looks like.

Andreya: Yeah, I mean, I have Venus and Aries, and I mean, I think just generalizing fire signs and relationships, I just feel like, They really want to know, what are we, where are we going, um, what are we doing to get to where we're going.

Andreya: Um, you know, let's speed this along. Let's, let's, you know, conquer our goals together. If we're gonna do this thing, let's fucking do it.

LaToya: Yeah, and I also have Venus and Aries too, and I, and I find that either I'm really attracted to people that are like this, or I'm like, definitely like, yeah, let's go, let's do something.

LaToya: We're always up to something. Yes.

Andreya: Yeah, and that reminds me of, like, our relationship, um, when I bombarded your circle.

LaToya: You didn't bombard it. You showed up. You were there.

Andreya: I, like, went to LaToya's, uh, in person moon circle, and at the end of the circle I was like, You know, we're gonna be friends and I think we should collaborate.

Andreya: Here's my number, please call me. And Latoya was like, Oh, who the fuck are you?

Iris: And I

Andreya: was like, it's okay, I can come off strong. Just think about it, just sleep on it. And she finally, and then she texted me and I was like, fuck yeah.

LaToya: Yeah, it worked out. It was good. I, yeah, I was really surprised because I was like not expecting that and I was like, oh, yeah, this is cool.

LaToya: That's how it works. Vita scenarios. Yeah. Um, what other elements we should air you, I mean, do you have any examples of fire, fire placements. I don't know if you want to share. No, we can move on. Okay. Yeah, so the next one, the next element is air. So that includes Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Um, so the air signs are intellectual, communicative, innovative, and socially focused.

LaToya: Um, any examples of moon or Venus here?

Andreya: When I picture, um, air signs in a relationship, uh, my, my advice is, S for them is just to like stimulate them when intellectually not like, let's run a mile, like talk about something they don't know about or like that they're already passionate about. And I dunno, like teach them something new or like have a cool debate about something or.

Andreya: Just, like, keep the flow flowing.

LaToya: Yeah, and I'm trying to think, because I had a friend that has Venus in Aquarius, and the way that we connected was through, like, ideas, for sure, and just love, like, dreaming, I guess that's more of like water, but it was still very much like, what would this look like if we put ourselves in this situation?

LaToya: Um, how would you respond, you know? Um And that was really fun at the time. Um, yeah, so there's a lot of, yeah, stimulation is really important for this sign. Um, and just like the willingness to learn together. So I could see, like, if you're Coupled with the person that has Venus and Aries, or not Venus and Aries, Venus and Air.

LaToya: Like going to a seminar together or like a conference together that will very much speak to their, their love language.

LaToya: Yeah, I can see that.

Iris: I feel like, yeah, air signs want to build rapport with each other. And they want like witty wordplay and jokes and that's what they're into. Banter. Um, and yeah, so typically it is said that air and fire signs get along with each other. Um, these elements or triplicities sextile each other, the same with earth and water.

Iris: Earth and water are. Commonly understood to, uh, be compatible with each other and those signs sextile each other. Yeah. Um. Earth.

LaToya: Oh, I have, wait, I have one more example. I'm sorry. Okay. Another one is if you have a Venus, an air or moon. an air person, take them to the Renaissance. Speaking about banter, they would love, I feel like they would enjoy that very, very thoroughly.

LaToya: The Renaissance festival. Wait,

Andreya: how

Andreya: do they talk at a Renaissance

LaToya: festival though? Oh my gosh. As soon as you come in, they're just kind of like, just, yeah, bantering, like teasing you, like saying outlandish things. They're like, good day soar.

Andreya: Huh? They're like, good day soar. Like everyone has a different accent.

LaToya: A different accent. Yeah, and like just probably messing with you, you know, and, and I, for me, I'm just kind of such a, I don't know, like, oh, I guess a watery person. So I was just like, oh my gosh, what is happening? And just like laughing or wanting to cry because I'm like, are they being mean to me? Or like, is this, like, I don't know what's happening right now.

LaToya: And yeah, that, that was a really fun experience because that was just, yeah,

Andreya: it was something else. And you also, like, get to dress up and we know our Libras love to do that, you know? Oh yeah, for sure.

LaToya: For sure.

Andreya: That was awesome.

LaToya: Yeah. So I think all those signs would love it very much. Okay, we can move on to Earth.

Iris: Yeah, so the Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. And Earth signs are pragmatic, grounded, dependable, hard working.

Andreya: Yeah.

Andreya: When I picture Earth signs in a relationship, to me, I think they're always just like, This is what I bring to the table. What do you bring to the table? Okay, how can we capitalize off of this or grow this or, you know, expand what we already have, what our strengths can, how our strengths can be stronger, things like that.

Andreya: Like they're taking inventory.

LaToya: For sure, for sure. Yeah, I can see like definitely the types to be like, let's start a business together to grow our resources. And, um, yeah, I just like taking more control of the physical realm of things.

Iris: I have a Venus and Capricorn, and I like, actionable displays of love.

Iris: And the love languages, I think it's, uh, I'm trying to think of the name of it and love languages. Acts of service. Acts of service. Yeah. Acts of service. , so I like acts of service. Like I like when my partners do things that show me that they're thinking about me. I would also say that I'm just like, like in my friendships and stuff, like I'm really reliable and consistent.

Iris: Like, if a friend of mine is having a hard time, like, I'll talk to them on the phone a lot. And like, if they text me, like, I'll respond pretty quickly. People know that, like, I'll be there for them. What makes me feel safe in relationships is, uh, when, like, my seriousness is, like, appreciated.

Iris: And reciprocated.

LaToya: That's really good to know. Yeah. I can see that with, I'm trying to think if I have any, those are really good examples. Um, but if I have any examples with Earth signs.

Iris: Should we say, uh, what Venus, um, Oh yeah. symbolizes in a chart?

LaToya: Venus and the Moon. Yeah, for sure. Let's start with Venus. Maybe,

Iris: maybe let's do water and then do that and then transition to that.

Iris: Okay. Okay. Um, water is cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, and water signs are typically associated with like heightened emotions and emotional intelligence, depth, sensitivity, and empathy.

LaToya: Yeah, I could see with this person. Um, they're maybe not constantly, but definitely are asking like, how are you feeling? How are you doing? Or yeah, anticipating what you feel and making sure that's taken care of. beforehand. Um, you can see that with this type of Venus or, or, um, water, uh, moon. Dang, my words are not coming out.

LaToya: But yeah, so I can see that the moon and Venus, um, and water.

Andreya: Yes, I definitely agree. When I imagine water signs in a relationship, reassurance is what you, what they want and what they're like yearning for. Um, so yeah, I definitely agree with LaToya.\..

LaToya: Sure, I think. Um, Another thing that we could consider before going into what Venus and, uh, the moon represents in astrology is that these signs are also have, um, different modalities. So Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. So that's another layer to consider, um, with the signs. So like, for example, Aries is Cardinal, Leo is Fixed, and Sagittarius is Mutable.

LaToya: Um, so Cardinal People are more prone to start things, get things moving in a different direction. Um, they're likely to do multiple things at once and so that could be that. Kind of tone of like scatteredness. Um, but yeah, just that willingness to start things. They may not finish Thick signs like Leo Aquarius Taurus and Scorpio.

LaToya: These are the types of people that wants to maintain things Keep things as they are and Consider the long run of things or like the relationship The connection, and then the mutable has the tendency to go back and forth and needs to include multiple different things to, I guess, come to a consensus of a connection.

LaToya: So that's Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces. Um, yeah, so that's just something to consider whenever we're looking at our. Charts and our partners charts as well.

Andreya: Yeah,

Andreya: and I also want to bring up like iris brought up how fire and air go together Like fire needs oxygen to survive but also like water and earth go together Like this makes mud and I know at first it's like you but this is kind of comforting just because you're bringing stability to water you're bringing structure to water and Earth signs like to be wanted and needed and water signs like to be coddled and like structured in a way.

Andreya: And so, like, you know, astrology is nature. And so this is just one aspect with the elements on how astrology relates back to nature.

LaToya: Yeah, that's a beautiful.

Iris: I also wanted to add about water signs. One thing I've noticed being Friends with people who have prominent water placements, and I also have some prominent water placements, is I've noticed in their close relationships, they really like, they feel really taken care of when they have friends or loved ones who are emotionally responsible for themselves.

Iris: Because so often they're put in a position of caretaking other people, especially Pisces and Cancer, that, like, when they're in relationships where they know the other person, like, has their shit handled, and, like, is emotionally, um, accountable for themselves, they can, like, Relax to a new

LaToya: level. Yeah, for sure.

LaToya: Yeah, because that definitely helps that tendency to anticipate what other people are feeling or maybe even going to do and trying to like the negative word or connotation is like manipulate the situation which water has the ability to do. But, um, that would definitely relax if the other is aware of themselves and not.

LaToya: Yeah. Emotionally. Good luck.

LaToya: Just like in terms of dating, you know? Yeah. Yeah, it's a lot. It's, um, and I also wanted to mention that with, yes, like fire and air is compatible, but like, we also want to be mindful of when, um, when we are Well, for air signs are probing and just kind of like could have that tendency to tease and fraud things and especially if the fire sign is like already flaring up to like air their fire more would not be Not always be conducive for the situation, like starting fights or, um, making them do more, uh, than, you know, what they're, like, instigating, I guess we can say.

LaToya: Um, so we also just want to be mindful of that, too. That's where things can kind of get a little, where the, the, what is those, wildfires happen? There's more air to the fire than needed.

Iris: I also wanted to say, um, my brother has prominent fire placements. And one thing I know about him and his relationships, like his, especially his romantic relationships.

Iris: He really likes people that he can go on adventures with. Like, they want someone who's like, Hey, you wanna like, do a random day trip to such and such right now? Like, no preparation? And they're like, yes, fucking exactly, let's go. So yeah, I feel like because fire signs are so thrill seeking, Like, they really, one of their love languages is like, going on adventures.

LaToya: Yeah. And that's, so that's something that, um, Cause, um, I say like Venus and the moon is what you want to look at, but also the sun sign too can be considered with compatibility. And, uh, so I have an air son and my husband has a fire son. And, uh, we did that. We were like, cause I had this opportunity to intern in Haiti and I ended up asking him like, Hey, do you want to go to Haiti with me?

LaToya: Even though we're not going to be in the same spot, but maybe we can see each other within three months. And he was like, yeah. And we did it. It was crazy. and not very planned, but it was, it was fun. So that's definitely, definitely true. Pinterest are needed.

Iris: Is it okay with you guys if we like talk about what Venus and the moon and whatever other planet signifies?

LaToya: Yeah, let's talk about Venus first.

Iris: So Venus is the planet. That's most associated with relationships, love, aesthetic, also associated with femininity, femme people, females, and sex workers.

LaToya: And it's also associated with, uh, values. So it's our material and spiritual values and even money, if you want to consider that in our relationships.

Andreya: Yeah. And also like worth and how, like you soar out the worth that you present to the world and how you fill your cup up when it comes to being like serving others.

Andreya: Uh, with a full cup.

LaToya: So the moon is associated with securities or insecurities of ours. Um, how we feel nurtured. our daily habits, and I would even say our attachment style as well.

Iris: Definitely. The moon is also associated with intuition and our subconscious,

Iris: and our emotional life.

Andreya: Yeah, I feel like a lot of people tend to forget about their moon. Because this is a side of us that not everyone gets to see. This is who we are behind closed doors, who we are with that person. Has been our best friend since 7th grade or whatnot. And, um, The medicine for moon signs on how to, like, care for yourself and nurture yourself is different depending on what sign it's in.

Andreya: But I always encourage people to build their relationship with their moon. Nice.

Iris: Hmm. Definitely. Um, randomly, Donna Cunningham has a book about the moon. Um, she's also written about Pluto a lot. But if anyone's interested in learning more about their moon sign, I recommend checking out that book.

LaToya: I'd like to look into that.

LaToya: I love the moon. It's fun to talk about.

Iris: I mean, I think it's like, you know, like the moon travels the fastest in the sky. And I feel like that's a planet we interface with the most. throughout our daily lives. Exactly. We're just like, we're constantly um, in this like, body experiencing the world around us like trying to process our emotional responses.

Iris: like grappling with our subconscious drives and our consciousness. Yeah,

LaToya: yeah. It's a, it's really important to pay attention to. Um, cause if you don't understand your mood, it's harder to access your son or your, your rising side. I would even say like the, the soul's intention, that is the rising sign. And so once you really have that deeper understanding of how you function, And even your psychology that the moon can represent too, um, yeah, you can better connect with other people in a much more deeper type of way.

LaToya: Um, should we talk about moon and the elements or whatever? I feel like we've already covered that, huh?

Iris: Um, I feel like

Andreya: that's a whole

Iris: podcast. We could, we could definitely talk about like our experiences. Um, and how that has either been challenging or how that's been, um, like times where we felt seen and visible to other people, you know, like, Do you have any experiences with, like, that in friendships or romantic relationships or family dynamics?

LaToya: Yeah, I do. Go ahead, LaToya. Um, yeah, so I've, strangely enough, I attract a lot of, um, watermoon people. Which, I'm a watermoon as well. Um, I have Scorpio moon. But Yeah, so my first relationship was, uh, also Moon in Scorpio and that was way too intense. That was like, what is it, third degree burns? Is that a thing, or am I making that up?

LaToya: That's a thing. Okay, yeah, so yeah, basically that was just like so intense. Um, and we're young too, so having like a Scorpio moon, we're coming up with a lot of You know, I say bullshit from upbringing and whatnot and having to figure out how do we make beautiful compost from it, but it was so intense and it was a lot, but it definitely healing in the end of it, of it all, at least like from, from my end of things.

LaToya: And then I end up, um, marrying someone who also is a moon, um, water moon, but, uh, it's Pisces and I feel like that is a better combination. Uh, Scorpio moon, Pisces moon, but the only thing I would say like if anybody has like a water moon and they're partnered with a water moon as well is to give each other space because you can end up sharing each other's emotions and, um, syncing up with each other and you're not knowing.

LaToya: Who's is what, and it can be very confusing very quickly if you don't give yourself space and time to, um, recuperate or get back to yourself. Um, I'm trying to think, like, with siblings, like, I have Fire Moon siblings, and they're very dynamic and constantly wanting to do things, and Wanted to be in and out of the house and stuff like that and I was somewhat that way but once I was in my room I was just like I needed time to like for quiet time and just get back to myself and so that was really like it'd be very aggravating if I was like not wanting to be super dynamic with them so I could see that you know happening and then yeah and then I don't know about An air moon because I feel like it was at times was overstimulating Um because they're constantly like on the phone or something and I was just like wow, is there any time for silence?

LaToya: Which is kind of like I need a lot of time for like no talking No phones dinging nothing. Like I just need like me To just remember like who am I? um, so yeah, that's kind of like my experience with with other moons and Yeah,

Iris: um That's really interesting. I, I think it's cool to mention that the moon in Scorpio is considered fall.

Iris: So that's like a weekend placement, but that doesn't that like, okay, so like the moon traditionally rules. Cancer and it's exalted in Taurus exaltation means that the moon performs really well in Taurus. Like it has all of its resources and can really shine. Um, fall is weekend and detriment is where the planet has.

Iris: Uh, the least amount of power or resources and has to work a lot harder. So a lot of times people hear fall in detriment and they're like, Oh, like I have a shitty placement. Like there's nothing I can do about it.

LaToya: I'm a fallen angel. Yeah. Yeah. Like

Iris: there's nothing that I can do about this, but like a lot of people have fall or detriment placements and they actually.

Iris: Um, those placements can actually perform and work really well for them because, because you don't have, um, as intuitive of a journey with that planet, you have to learn your own language. And become fluent in your own language and you can still speak the language really well, just as well as someone else.

Iris: You just got to speaking it in a different route. That's

LaToya: amazing. Yeah, for sure. I love that. That's so good. Because it definitely has been my own journey. Like, again, like being with another Muna Scorpio, I remember them saying like, You're not emotionally available. And I was just kind of like emotions.

LaToya: What is that? Wait, what? No, I have to get up and do things like, what are you talking about? Yeah. And so having to learn, you know, about my inner landscape and what that's about and all of this has been definitely a life journey for me. Um, yeah, for sure. You definitely have to work hard for it. I have

Andreya: a lot of friends who have.

Andreya: Scorpio moons, and I'm not gonna lie, like, I've had to take in some breaks from them just because they, uh, get into these, like, roundabout conversations about their relationships, and You know, this is me stereotyping. So, you know, don't take this but they get in like roundabout conversations about their relationship and Not wanting a solution just wanting a place to vent And for me as a tourist moon, like I want to come up with a solution and I want to like Help you get over this hump and like get over it and And so i've had to take taking breaks from scorpio some of my scorpio moon friends just because of those scenarios but you know, like having so many placements in the eighth house, like That's why I try I attract so many uh scorpio moons and like I have a scorpio signature.

Andreya: And so we relate and get deep real quick and talk about things that other that would make others uncomfortable. So yeah, as a, as in my practice, I stay away from fall and detriment. I stay away from those words just because of the initial reaction that people get. And, um, yeah, I mean, with everything, it'll be light and shadow, so.

Iris: Mm

LaToya: hmm. I guess I kind of do it for the shock factor, just to see, like, Okay,

Andreya: so, okay. It was

LaToya: like, where are you when I say this word? And, you know, and then I describe, like, okay, yeah, you, you might have not had a mother that was available. And so, therefore, You're not available to your own emotions, you know, and all of these things and work through that.

LaToya: But yeah, that's probably the Gemini Scorpio combo.

Andreya: Hey, and since we're talking about Scorpios, and you know, I can attest to this. I have three placements in Scorpios. We are best in bed, dude. I love sleeping with Scorpios. They can, they can go and go and go and go.

LaToya: Yeah.

LaToya: Yeah, it's nice whenever you have her match for that.

Iris: Oh, that's great. Uh, if we're trading Scorpio Moon stories. So I want to preface saying not all Scorpio Moons are like this. Like I once dated a very unevolved Scorpio Moon. I mean someone who Isn't like accountable and responsible for themselves, their actions and behaviors.

Iris: Someone who, um, like isn't consciously working on their childhood wounds or trauma. Um, and also I will say that, um, this person, you know, is a Scorpio, so they should be really good in bed, but like, we didn't always have the best sex. Like, sometimes it was really good, but other times they were like, really selfish.

Iris: So, I would, I would say that's a stereotype. Um, but anyway, um, my moon is in Gemini, and Uh, their moon in Scorpio is in conjunct my Gemini. So I think that's like, that was the attraction. I'll, I'll talk more about in conjunctions later, but just like, having this, I think what's appealing about in conjunctions is the differences, and like, how someone relates to the world and moves through the world.

Iris: It can be really alluring, but then, like, negotiating those differences in relationships when there can be conflict can be really challenging. So, like, they were really broody and moody. When they felt emotionally overwhelmed, they wanted to be left alone, they didn't want to talk. They weren't able to translate their emotions into words as easily as I could.

Iris: And they also tended to get mad really quickly. And I also get mad really quickly. I have a Mars Moon conjunction, um, out of sign, but in degree very close. So We would often get in, like, big fights. I wanted to talk about my feelings and discuss everything. When they needed to be intense and in their internal world, I wanted to be silly and make jokes and, like, alleviate the tension.

Iris: So this was an issue in our whole relationship. Now I date another Gemini moon and it's fucking great. Like, I talk Andrew's ear off and he's here for it. Um, when we fight, we both desire to squash it and make amends as soon as possible and we're okay talking about our feelings soon after experiencing them and we're both able to articulate our feelings also like our primary love languages, words of affirmation, like we're always telling each other.

Iris: Like what we like about each other. And I would say that like having that Gemini moon is really nice. Cause it's just like intuitive. Like I don't have to do as much labor as teaching someone how to nurture me. They understand because it's the same way that they want to be nurtured. Yeah. Um, even though of course there's differences because we're working with whole charts and like.

Iris: I'm not just a Gemini moon, there's a bunch of other stuff going on, and they're not just a Gemini moon, they have a bunch of other stuff going on, so that's also relevant. And then, I was gonna say, one of my favorite exes, who's still a good friend of mine, um, he has an ascendant in Gemini, and we also, like, got along very well.

Iris: Um, our relationship was like, not always great, but like, There was like a natural compatibility between us that was easy. Right.

LaToya: Love it. Yeah, I definitely, definitely can attest to the needing to be left alone. So I can figure out what's going on with me and not. So I'm just glad that, yeah, you're able to experience that and, um, yeah, like you don't have to put up with that if it's not something that you, you, yeah, you can do it.

LaToya: It's not, you don't have to if you don't want to.

Andreya: Yeah, and that was a great testament to the elements like air,

Andreya: air, or air and water.

Andreya: And so I, I enjoyed those examples, especially since we started with like breaking down the elements.

Iris: Yeah, I mean, with my current partner, our sun signs are both earth signs. Our ascendants are in conjunct. Our moons are both in Gemini. Um, our Venus's sextile, um, Nice. So there's, Wow, yeah. Yeah, so there's a lot of like, uh, Harmony. Yeah, there's a lot of harmony.

LaToya: That is awesome. Yeah, I'm trying to think, like, with my husband and I, our, our ascendant sextile, our sun sextile and our moon trines.

LaToya: So there's harmony there. Um, but our Venus's, they're adverse to each other. So that's, it's always interesting to try to work that out because usually when I see That and like my chart or other people's chart. I'm just kind of like, okay It's basically you guys are standing next to each other and you have a different point of view, but you can't look Like you can't look at each other in each other's eyes and describe it, like you have to like be able to say what you see from your perspective and hope that the other hears you and like what they need or what have you.

LaToya: Um, yeah, so that's that's fun to try to figure out. Um, whenever we're, we're in it. But, hmm. Yeah. Do you want to talk more about the in conjunctions, that's something that I don't work with often but I was looking into it and I could see like how that would be.

Iris: Yeah, um, did you want to add anything, Dre?

Andreya: Uh, about, like, moon signs?

Andreya: Yeah. Um, I guess, like, I am, uh, dating a person with the same moon sign, and that's been fun. I don't think that's happened before, and we're on the third month. breaker or whatever, so I'm allowed to talk about it. But, um, the, yeah, so, so it's, it's a 10, it's a 10 degree orb. So, um, our moons are right on top of each other.

Andreya: And so that's been fun. I've been, I feel like we're able to be like really silly with each other. And that happens like very naturally and very quickly. And I don't find myself as like, a silly person when dating, I guess. And so that's been super fun and we both like describe each other as super fun. Um, yeah.

Andreya: And the familiarity is there. We have the same morals and values like right off the bat. Like the moment we started speaking like just through Bumble or whatever is the same day that we met just because like our beliefs. and our ethics align so well. Um, and I have like a third, a third date rule. Like, I don't look at your chart until the third date because I feel like it's not fair.

LaToya: Yeah.

Andreya: And, um, so once I saw that we had the same moons, I was like, okay, fuck yeah, like this is gonna last like a little bit. So, um, yeah, that's been fun. Congrats,

LaToya: that's awesome.

Iris: Cheers to new romance. Mm hmm. Always. Okay, so, in conjunctions, or quincunxes, which is quite the word to say, I feel like it sounds like a Harry Potter word.

Iris: Like that's like a spell or something, like quincunx. Quincunx! That's funny. Uh, there are a hundred and fifty degree aspect, if you want to figure out if a sign is quincunx, or in conjunct your sign, pick a sign, so we'll go with Capricorn, look at its opposite sign, which is Cancer, Look at the sign sandwiching that opposite sign, um, which is Gemini and Leo.

Iris: So Gemini and Leo are in conjunct Capricorn. And generally, in conjunctions are unpredictable, challenging, they require compromise. There's like this subtle irritation, um. Maybe like, like a tag in your clothing that rubs up against your skin and is like driving you fucking crazy, but at the same time you just decide to deal with it all day instead of taking your shirt out and cutting it out.

Iris: Uh,

Iris: like I said, like I said previously, I think what's attractive about this is that. These signs have differences in personality and the way they approach life and that can like initially be really Interesting, but at the same time, those things can become really challenging, um, in conflict. Um, so like, I'm a Capricorn Sun, I have a Capricorn Stellium.

Iris: Interestingly, the in conjunctions for me are Gemini and Leo. I have a Gemini Moon. I attract a lot of Geminis, and I love Geminis. Like, I love that energy. Um But I also have an 11th house Leo and we have, uh, we haven't talked about the 11th house, but the 11th house rules, communities and friends. And I also attract a lot of Leo's to me.

Iris: And I think that's an interesting thing to look at, like pull up your chart and see what's in the 11th house. And, um, see if like you attract that sign, if you have like a lot of friends or coworkers with that sign. Mm-Hmm. . But yeah, I just thought that in conjunctions are really interesting. I feel like I see them often.

Iris: Like, like even I said earlier, my, uh, partner and I, our ascendants are in conjunct. Theirs is Pisces and mine is Libra. So it's just like, I feel like that happens a lot and I feel like if. If there's enough other aspects bringing harmony, I feel like in conjunctions can really work. Like, I feel like they can bring, like, necessary difference in relationships.

Iris: Because, like, I wouldn't want to date someone who's just like me. Like, I'm not interested in them.

LaToya: Mm hmm. That would not stimulate the Gemini moon.

LaToya: Okay, yeah. And I was looking into my, um, quincunxes, and I noticed that I have, um, Venus, Pluto, and then the Lilith on my, uh, quincunx, my ascendant as well, so I was like, oh, makes a lot of sense there, uh, need, uh, need to pay attention to use of power and, and authentic self expression. And so that's something like knowing that about myself, um, it's really important to be in a relationship.

LaToya: Even with like bosses, managers, clients, friends, or my husband, you know, they have to be giving me enough freedom or space to be able to express myself and then if I don't have that then you know, that's what I'm like fall into those like power struggles and Um, difficult situations that otherwise could have been harmonious and more fun and stimulating.

LaToya: Um, so like just being able to see that even in your own chart and like how planets relate to your Venus or your Moon or even your Ascendant. Um, that would be really helpful to see what do you need, um, in your relationships. And if you don't have that, then you know that maybe that's a non negotiable, you know.

LaToya: Um. But yeah, I was looking at that and I was like, oh, that's interesting to think back and look.

Andreya: Yeah, and since we brought up the 11th house, I think it's important to bring up the 7th house. And the 7th house is about, like, others, um, when it comes to, like, a one on one exchange and one on one energy exchange. And this house helps us understand, like, what traits you might attract in a person or what traits come out when you're in a relationship.

Andreya: Um, so I think like looking at what, what's in this house and also what rules this house, um, will help you like understand what's going to unfold for you when it comes to one to one relationships. And then I feel like the seventh house is opposite of the first house. And the first house is super important too, because this is your identity.

Andreya: Um, this house is everything that has to do with you, and all the other houses has, like, something, like, outside of yourself, represents something outside of yourself, except for the first house. And so, um, what your ascendant rules, what planet rules your ascendant is also really important, just to understand.

Andreya: Like where you are and then your seventh house, what you want or what you attract is helpful to know.

Iris: Yeah, that's a good point. My chart ruler is Venus because I'm a Libra rising, and I feel like I've been highly motivated in relationships throughout my life, especially romantic relationships, and part of that is like childhood wounding.

Iris: Like, my father was a good dad and gave me a lot of unconditional love, but he died when I was nine, and I didn't get healthy love after that. So, like, As an adult, I was seeking that from all of the wrong places, and I've never wanted for a relationship, like, like, if I wanted to date a fuckboy or something, there was always plenty of fuckboys around, um, but also, like, they weren't fulfilling because, um, like, I wasn't emotionally available or ready for a healthy relationship yet, And yeah, my, my Venus is in Capricorn, which is ruled by Saturn.

Iris: And, um, I have that Capricorn stellium in my fourth house and I just feel like I've had to do a lot of. work on my attachment style and my childhood wounds to be in a place where like my Heart was ready for a healthy relationship with someone um Also as a venusian person. I really am attracted to venusian people Like I also really like tauruses a lot Again, i'm a capricorn and taurus is ruled by venus which reminds me that Signs that rule, uh, planets that rule two signs, I think there's also like a compatibility there, like Saturn rules Aquarius and Capricorn, Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, Venus rules Libra and Taurus.

Iris: I feel like those signs have like a simpatico. understanding of each other.

LaToya: Yeah, for sure. I like that.

Iris: So we're going to wrap up on compatibility, and we're going to talk about North Node conjunct Chiron in Ares. North Node, and Chiron are in conjunction from January 18th to April 18th.

LaToya: Yes, and um, it goes exact at 17 degrees Aries from February 25th to March 13th. And so that's when the height of this transit, we'll feel it, and we'll notice it more.

Andreya: I think it's also good to know that. Chiron will be in Ares until 2026, so we have a while to heal the wound that they are asking us to open to let light in.

LaToya: So Chiron, um, this is a asteroid, comet, I think you kind of had a debate still on this, right? The body, the astral body, Chiron?

Iris: It's, it's considered

LaToya: both. Both, okay, yeah. Um, so it, the common name of it, it's like it's the one, it's the wounded healer, , or the one that wounds. So that later healing can happen.

LaToya: And then the North Node, that is more focused on said Mathematica point in the sky. And that talks about destiny or where we need growth to happen. That's how I explain it. Do y'all have other words of explaining Chiron or North Node? Before we move on,

Iris: key words. Yeah, so,

Iris: I think Chiron is interesting because of mythology of Chiron. Chiron was a centaur, and he was a great healer, but he also suffered a lot in his life. So if you're interested in learning more about Chiron, I recommend reading about the mythology and also the astronomy because astronomically he's also considered a centaur too, um, which is its own classification.

Iris: And yeah, just like unresolvable wounds, childhood scars, our biggest vulnerabilities and strengths and spiritual gifts. And I think this is interesting because Chiron is related to spiritual gifts. Also, the North Node is related to spiritual blessings, too. Agrippa, the German Renaissance occultist, he said that the North Node is the head of the dragon and that the South Node is the tail of the dragon.

Iris: And the North Node is like our intellectual self and has the energy of Jupiter. It has like blessings and is spiritually minded

Andreya: yeah, yeah, the North Node's our destiny. It's the path we haven't been on yet. Astrology believes in reincarnation and so since this North Node hasn't been on yet, it's uncomfortable and somewhat challenging to walk upon, but awaken all the gifts and all of the messages that the And tools that the planets give you, um, you're prepared to walk on this path.

Andreya: You haven't been on yet. It's your destiny.

Iris: And, um, so people have probably heard this. If you're in the astrology community, um, Jessica Lanyadoo says this, um, that like, you don't really understand your North node energy till your first Saturn return around 28. And then some people say you don't really. Embody your North Node until your Uranus opposition in your mid 40s.

Iris: I don't necessarily believe that. I'm just saying that because, like, that's commonly said. Like, I think you can access any part of your chart at any age. Um, because there's so much variance and difference that I wouldn't want to have, like, a hard, fast rule that applies to everyone in the world. Like, that just doesn't make sense.

Iris: Yeah, mm

LaToya: hmm. Yeah, and I feel like if you have like your son in connection to like the north or south node You might have an easier time to connect with it more so, right? Like, I know, like, for me, my son is conjunct with the south node, and so, but I don't know, like, also thinking about, at 27, I felt like I was, like, accessing the north node in Sagittarius, like, I was opening up more to that, but I can see, like, how I was put in like teaching roles and sharing my knowledge and wisdom with friends throughout my whole life, so I can see that, but just putting myself more on the platform has been more of the case through astrology at around the time of, yeah, 26, 27.

LaToya: Right. I can see both.

Andreya: Yeah, I mean, I have. Jupiter conjunct my north node conjunct Pluto all in Scorpio. And so I feel like with these placements, I definitely like have a leg up. Like I, I think I've been expressing my north node for a long time. And you know, I, I really enjoy that placement.

LaToya: Yeah, it's a lot of fun.

LaToya: It's scary sometimes. Cause like, it is like facing the unknown and not sure how things are going to come together, but they do.

Andreya: Yeah, I can definitely, like, see how, sure, like, it was uneasy and uncomfortable walking the path of the North Node in Scorpio, but, like, as I get older, I'm definitely more confident at expressing and, like, having inner strength about expressing it.

Andreya: So I can see how my Saturn Return is doing that for me, for sure.

Iris: Mm hmm. That's interesting. I mean, I feel like I don't really think about my north node a lot. What is it? It's Capricorn. At 28 degrees and my Saturn at 25 conjunct it. Yeah. But also I have that whole Capricorn seum there of like, yeah. So you're there.

Iris: My sun, my Uranus, my Neptune, yeah, my Venus, my Saturn. So like I feel like I have ex like experienced it, but it's just not something that I'm thinking about. Super consciously. Yeah.

LaToya: You are it. You're just living it. You are it. You're living it.

Andreya: You have arrived when you arrived.

LaToya: Right. Right. Exactly. That's so funny.

Iris: I'm glad that we brought this up cause like, I feel like sometimes there are things that get commonly said in the astrology community. And, like, people are like, oh yeah, that's a fact, like, everyone says it, but it's like, no, you can disagree with things, like. Right,

LaToya: yeah, you don't have to parrot it, yeah, just go so and so.

Iris: Yeah,

Andreya: and, I mean, I might be going off on a rant here, but I've had some readings where, like, people are so in their north north, that they are unable to ground themselves in a way that, That is easy for like their South Node placements and other placements that surround the South Node are easy to do. So like, we need, we need one, we need different parts of the others to succeed.

Andreya: You know, we can't forget about the tools that we learned in our past life or the tools that we came in this lifetime with because we need them to get to the North Node.

LaToya: Oh my gosh, I love that you said that. Yes. Exactly. Cause I could definitely see that cause in the past couple of years. No, I've been learning both, but I could definitely, I definitely had a moment where I was like, I'm living fully in my north node and I'm freaking out.

LaToya: Right. I feel ungrounded. Yeah. I need to come back to the Gemini gifts. And, um, yeah, that's, that's so true.

Iris: So that's really interesting. Cause like, like I said earlier, Agrippa associates north node with the energy of Jupiter. And that really is like, Untethered energy, like that's not grounded. That's just like floating up in like the realm of ideals and fantasies and like optimism.

Iris: Um, so that's interesting. Um, do we want to talk about what's it mean that they're both in Aries, or what this energy combined feels like or is going to be like, or is like I should say.

LaToya: Yeah. Um, do you want me to go first? Yeah, so another thing I want to mention, um, this conjunction, especially at its peak, it's going to be near the full moon at five degrees Virgo on February 24th.

LaToya: So it's like a day before the full moon happens. ties in really nicely. So this combination, the way it could manifest, it's like you're identifying with wounded parts of self and letting that reveal your destiny in a holistic way. So like how Andrea was saying, like, we can't forget our self node, as we are progressing in our north node.

LaToya: Um, like we need both of them to have a holistic understanding of who we are and what we're stepping into. Um, so we can't give up our tools and our, what we've learned in order to, to go on in a new path. And we need both of those. This conjunction really highlights that right now, especially the parts that are are still wounded or that we're still trying to understand, trying to heal.

LaToya: Um, and again, like we're pursuing new pathways to healing and, um, understanding how we digest the world around us possibly, um, with it being so close to the full moon in Virgo. And just seeking out new solutions to eventually be able to share with other people. Um. And then with it being in Aries, I see that having to connect with our sense of self and acceptance and willingness to actualize a vision that we have.

LaToya: Um, yeah, so that's kind of how I see this, this transit. Wonderful.

Andreya: Yeah, I kind of want to say, sorry, go ahead Iris.

Iris: I was just gonna say, LaToya, you articulated that very beautifully. Oh,

LaToya: thank you.

Andreya: Yeah, always.

Andreya: Um, I kind of want to take a little step back here and just like explain that you are born with, um, a North Node and South Node.

Andreya: And so, but collectively the North Node and South Node are North Node Aries and South Node in Libra. And so, since the Planets or alignments change, it activates different parts in your chart. And so collectively, we are exploring the Aries North node, Libra South node, destinies and past life, past karmic structures.

Andreya: Um, and so that's why it's important to explore like this Aries North node, even if you don't have Aries North node in your birth chart.

LaToya: That's a good point.

Andreya: Okay. And, okay, so I kind of wanna explain, uh, cryon and North Node, how I've been working with it. Is that okay? Yeah, go ahead. Okay. Okay. So the way I've been explaining this placement since we've been, um, dealing with it for a while is I'm calling this the too much wound.

Andreya: And so what that means is like. So say Cryon and Ares is in your first house, so like, point blank, like, you're too much. Or say it's in your second house, like, You're too reliable, you're, you're too, um, boring, or if it's in your third house, like, you're too loud, fourth house, like, you're too much of a homebody, so this is like the too much wound, um, and so, and then the Aries North Node is awakening that too much wound to have you accept that part of yourself, accept that part of yourself that may be too much for society, and then just take Leadership role on how we're healing that, how we're expressing that without shame.

Andreya: Um, so yeah, the too much wound, mine's in the eighth, and that means I'm too deep, which I've heard all my life.

LaToya: Oh, yeah, that's good though. What?

LaToya: Oh,

LaToya: well that's, yeah, you're not, yeah, you are deep, and that's a good thing. Yeah,

Iris: it's definitely a good thing. I'd rather be deep than be a puddle.

LaToya: Right. Exactly.

LaToya: Yeah, I'm still trying to understand what this north node and the ninth, but I can definitely see how the south node triggers like insecurities of me being too loud. I could see that. You're too

Andreya: smart, Latoya. Oh,

LaToya: that was good. Thank you.

Iris: Yeah, so when I reflect on this transit, I think about how Chiron in Aries Can surface as wounds around identity, feeling as if you don't have one, or you lack the ability to project yourself out onto the world. Um, I think that there's an opportunity here for spiritual development to work on wounds around independence and self expression and self assertion.

Iris: Uh, this plexus blockages because that chakra. Is the chakra associated to confidence and autonomy? So, like, you could consciously do work on that chakra. Like, you could YouTube, like, solar plexus yoga and do that. Or, like, practice affirmations in the mirror. Or, like, challenge yourself to be more confident in an area of your life.

Iris: Um, but if you consciously take on this energy, there is an opportunity that when this transit ends, that you feel stronger in self, um, and you feel more connected to your parts.

LaToya: Nice. I'm gonna be excited for that.

Andreya: That was awesome. I loved how we really peeled off the layers of this, this aspect, this transit.

LaToya: Yeah, that's really good. I'm excited for it. I don't really follow Chiron much, um, which is, I don't know if that's a good thing or not, but, um, because it is, like, conjunct my Ascendant, but, yeah, I can see, like, how it's really important to, to pay attention to this more, especially, um, as the, uh, the nodes are triggering this, this asteroid right now.

LaToya: Well,

Iris: I also think it's interesting for, like, The United States Sibley chart. Um,

Andreya: tell us more.

Iris: Well, I think that like right now, and this has been said with other aspects, like the United States is going through an identity crisis. And we're seeing that like with like, all of these like anti trans legislation being pushed with like the genocide in Palestine.

Iris: And the United States funding it, like increasing, , and increasing expenses of everything. And like the Supreme Court is ruling right now on whether to criminalize homelessness. Um, and like everything is just getting more expensive and housing is unaffordable and houselessness is being criminalized.

Iris: So people are just being funneled into the prison industrial complex for free labor for the United States. Oh my goodness. Um, but, you know, Pluto is the, the Pluto in the Sibley chart for the United States is at 27 Capricorn. So it's possible that I don't know what degree the

Iris: Chiron or North node is at right now. I think it's around like 19.

Iris: Yeah, might be squaring that soon.

LaToya: So yeah, it's at 16 degrees right now.

Iris: Oh, okay. They are ready. Just something to think about.

LaToya: Yeah, we're in strange times right now.

Iris: Definitely.

LaToya: All right, you guys, enjoy your Valentines! No, I'm kidding.

Andreya: I mean, it is gonna be a weird Valentines, like, there's some weird things happening this February. Oh,

LaToya: yeah! Isn't Mars conjunct Pluto on Valentines Day or something?

Iris: Yeah. All right

Iris: Thanks for listening to Real Life Astrology. We are streaming on Spotify, Apple, and YouTube. Please follow, like, rate, and review. Bye!


Real Life Astrology Episode 3 Transcript


Real Life Astrology Episode 1 Transcript