Real Life Astrology Episode 3 Transcript

Logo for Real Life Astrology. Background is black sky with stars. In the middle is a multi-colored circle with colors of blue, pink, yellow, purple, and green. On top of the circle says “Podcast” and there is a microphone next to it. In the middle it

Logo for Real Life Astrology. Background is black sky with stars. In the middle is a multi-colored circle with colors of blue, pink, yellow, purple, and green. On top of the circle says “Podcast” and there is a microphone next to it. In the middle it says “Real Life Astrology with Iris, LaToya and Andreya”. Has Spotify, Youtube and Apple logos in the corners.

You can listen here on Spotify or Apple.This transcript is not perfect! But mostly accurate.

Iris: So today we are talking about the eclipses.

Iris: Specifically, we're talking about the penumbral lunar eclipse happening on March 25th, and we're going to start off with just discussing solar and lunar eclipses and how they're different and what the lunar nodes are.

Iris: So a solar eclipse is a new moon and a lunar eclipse is a full moon. A full moon is when the moon is opposite the sun with the earth in between. So when we get a lunar eclipse, the earth's shadow is covering the full moon and darkening it. And that's why, uh, the lunar eclipse will look red and the lunar eclipse can only happen when the full moon is near either of the lunar nodes.

Iris: All right, we've talked in the last episode about the North nodes are about the North and South nodes, but I think we mostly talked about their astrological signification. just to have an understanding of their astronomy. The nodes are mathematical points where the moon's path crosses the elliptic or the sun's path.

Iris: The North node is where the moon is moving towards the North pole. And the South node is where the moon is moving towards the South pole. They are always directly opposite of each other.

Andreya: Yeah, I think that's so beautiful. Like These, the north and south node are points in our solar system where the moon and sun can go together.

LaToya: Yeah, I agree with that. Um, yeah, because it's pretty neat when you think about like their, I guess the path that they both take and how it intersects and, um, and when that intersection happens, it's like significant events happens for us in our own lives. Um, and yeah, it just kind of gives us, you know, the ongoing story of that.

LaToya: I guess like how the lunar and the solar parts of us can blend and create new things. And, um, yeah, it's pretty neat. I like it. Yeah. But can I else go ahead? Sorry.

Iris: . Um, I just wanted to say before we keep going, um, the kind of eclipse we're having on the 25th, the penumbra lunar eclipse, it means that the moon Is passing through the outer part of the earth's shadow and that outer part of the earth's shadow is called the penumbra and the penumbra lunar eclipses are the most subtle lunar eclipses, because the darkening of the moon will be very slight.

Iris: So just another astronomy thing, I think. I think when people learn astrology, a lot of times, um, it's like, like books or like teachers focus on the astrology significations. And of course that's essential, but I think it's important to understand the astronomy too, because they're in relationship to each other.

Iris: Um, and then eclipses happen in pairs. two weeks away from each other. So the next eclipse is in April. Do you guys remember when that eclipses?

LaToya: Uh, is it the 8th or 9th? Let me double check. Yeah, it's the 8th, April 8th.

Iris: Yeah. And then eclipses occur roughly every six months.

LaToya: Yeah. So we're entering eclipse season now.

LaToya: Um, so the, the opening part of, yeah, this eclipse. Which is on March 25th, um, with the Lunar Eclipse in Libra.

Andreya: Yeah. But energy right now is, is so weird to me because I see spring is coming, like airy season is coming, and I'm getting excited and I'm getting like awoken and like flowers are blooming. But at the same time there's like this eeriness to it because I.

Andreya: As an astrologer I understand that eclipse season is coming and like I said the portal is already opened and so like there's like this lingering eerie um ness of change coming with this like energy of spring. So it's very curious.

LaToya: Yeah. I've noticed that, um, where my, like, like the eeriness or just kind of like that, I don't want to say fear if it's the right word, but just like deep concern is coming from like, Oh man, there's going to be more put on my plate.

LaToya: And, but it also, I have to remember like, but also something's going to be removed to be able to hold that new thing better. Um, cause I guess like. The Saturn Pisces in me feels like, Oh, I have to hold everything on my shoulders. Um, so that's, that's something to, I guess, remember if you guys, like, if you're listening and you're feeling like, Oh no, something new is coming into my life.

LaToya: Now there's, I have more responsibility. I have more things to do. This is overwhelming. Like, remember that something else is going to be removed to make it easier for you to, um, hold that new thing. Um, with. Yeah. With just more intentionality. Beautiful.

Iris: We can, we can keep going on this thread. How do you guys interpret lunar eclipses? What are some of the astrological significations?

LaToya: Yeah. With it being a, a lunar eclipse so that, you know, the root of that is talks about the moon and the full moon. So the way, what I see is that it's more emotional. Um.

LaToya: Like the way, yeah, the way I interpret it, it's like, how are we feeling about the changes that are happening is more prominent than like, I guess, like the change itself. But of course, it goes hand in hand. But I feel like the emotional part of that is the, uh, more prominent or in the forefront. Um, so I guess this is kind of like, again, Yeah.

LaToya: I'm feeling the weight more so of the shifts and noticing like what matters to me and like, what do I want to take care of more, you know, moon keywords and, um, how am I taking care of myself? Um, as these changes are happening, making sure I don't like overstep or hurt myself because I'm doing too much.

LaToya: Uh, so yeah, I just kind of see it. and that kind of wave with the lunar eclipse and then of course having to weave in the Libra aspect of that as well. But um, before we talk about Libra, did you want to share, Andrea? Like what do you, how do you interpret lunar eclipses? Yeah, I

Andreya: think that was beautiful, Latoya.

Andreya: I really, agree with everything you said like it's all about the also represents our body and I feel like in situations like these our body knows before our mind so if you can like find stillness and tap into what your body is feeling like that inner knowing you can understand what breadcrumbs you're picking up and what's coming before even looking at your chart and Again, I feel like I say this all the time, but in this, the day and age, the society we live in, it's really, uh, normal to ignore our moon sign, to not have a relationship with our moon sign, because the moon is all about, like, intuition and comfort and stillness, and the society we live in is about productivity, and that's not what the moon represents.

Andreya: And so, if you can build your relationship with your moon sign. Just keep tapping into it, this eclipse season, and you'll find the stillness and the calming of your nervous system through it all. Mm

LaToya: hmm. Yeah, definitely calming the nervous system is really important.

Iris: Yeah. Yeah, so like Latoya said, um, Lunar eclipses have the same signification as a full moon.

Iris: You know, it's all about endings. I feel like the endings are just more large scale and life altering typically. And like, that doesn't always mean that the endings are going to be external. Like, I think people get, um, sometimes worried that like a relationship is going to end or a job or something like that, but it could just be like, Internal endings, like a narrative that you told yourself for years is coming to an end and you're like ready to let it go because it no longer serves you and like conceptualize yourself in a new way.

Iris: So it's all about letting go. Um, but every ending is an opportunity for rebirth and for starting something new and also like. What's already been said, heightened emotions, definitely, um, increase nostalgia. I think people are more energetically porous during eclipse season because, um, be, because like the heightened emotion aspect and it's just like harder to.

Iris: Maintain those boundaries when you're in a heightened emotional state. So I really Will say that cleansing yourself a lot Every day multiple times a day whether you're doing herbal baths or like using a selenite wand and like scanning yourself or spraying yourself with Florida water or using cascaria or taking smoke baths with like cedar or bay leaves or something.

Iris: I think that's important all the time, but especially during eclipse season. And we typically feel eclipses, uh, like my experience. I don't know what your guys's experiences. I'd love to hear it, but like weeks before they actually happen and we can see the impacts of a eclipse, like six months down the line from when it happened.

Iris: And one more, yeah, one more thing. Um, I, the way I like to explain eclipses is. It's like a surge of energy that courses through you, but you don't get to keep any of that energy. So like when it leaves your system, you feel tired and like fatigued. Um, and kind of like worn out. So that's something to consider.

LaToya: Yeah, that's a, that's a great point. And I, What I was seeing is like, okay, why do we feel tired and exhausted after, you know, eclipse season? And it makes me think about like our tendency of wanting to hold on to things. And so, you know, maybe we do in that energetically, our Physically, you know, and we're like, no, I need this thing, or I want to hold on to it, or just give me a little bit more, you know, and it's like leaving your life or trying to pass through you.

LaToya: And so again, like practicing, settling your nervous system, and that can be like spending more time in nature, or just simply, you know, journaling and allowing these thoughts to flow through you, or, you know, drinking a cup of tea, and just, Listening to music and not trying to add more to your plate because I just kind of see the universe is shifting itself so that it is, um, I guess like manifesting all this is my optimistic.

LaToya: What are you but like it's shifting itself so that it manifests what you've always seen. Wanted or like your soul needs So like if you're trying to like add more to the plate, it's kind of like wear yourself out, you know Or if you're trying to hold on to what needs to leave your life so that the thing that you're you need are always wanted Can come in Um, so definitely practice.

LaToya: Um Just being present and observant of like what's coming in and what's leaving or what is being brought to your attention or that, you know, that narrative that is ready to pass through, um, just observing that and, and, and not trying to hold on is important. So you'll be less tired. You're just flowing.

LaToya: Allow yourself to flow.

Andreya: Oh, I love that. I,

Andreya: to my clients is like during clip season, even though you feel like it's happening to you, just know in the long run, it's happening for you. And. Yeah, releasing expectations on what you're manifesting and then like coming in, I made this word up. It's called lady festing, which is just like the opposite of manifesting, accepting what's in front of you and taking a step back and seeing like, Oh wow, this is actually what I was asking for.

Andreya: It's just not what I expected. It's just not what I envisioned, but here it is. And here I am.

LaToya: Yeah, it's like, oh, I expected us to be in a different bottle or a different body or And here it is. It's been here the whole time. That's beautiful.


LaToya: We jump into the, um, the cultural side and like what other, like the story that, so that we can kind of get some more context of what Eclipse season is about? Let's do it. Do

LaToya: you want to tell your story, Andrea?

Andreya: Yeah, the origin story of Route 2 and K2?

LaToya: Yeah, so just because if you have your, yeah, you have your version and then I'll kind of share.

Andreya: Yeah, yeah, so the north and south node, uh, they have different stories, um, within different cultures and, um, being the Piscey and I am.

Andreya: I like to just like take what I like and leave the rest. So this is like a combination of what I like. But yeah, so, uh, starting the story off with Rahu, he was just like a mischievous troublemaker within the village, always like trying to find power. Where power doesn't lie within his hands. And one day he somehow got into this heavenly godly party and crashed it.

Andreya: And he understood that like at the buffet line, there's this magical ambrosia where if mortals eat it, they become immortal. So of course, like that's the first place he went. And as he was Stuffing his face with like this magical ambrosia, the sun and moon called him out and was like, you know, who is this person in our god party?

Andreya: And Zeus like ran over, cut his head off, Ratu's head off. And, um, he rah up to the point where like, he didn't die. Um, he was just two people. Like he was, the head was still alive and his body was still alive, but that happened to be RAH and K two and um, so yeah, just Raho and K two have a grudge against the sun and moon.

Andreya: And they blame, uh, the sun and moon for not reaching in, uh, total immorality, immorality, and immorality. Thank you. And, um, yeah, they chase the luminaries restlessly seeking for revenge. And occasionally they manage to catch the sun or moon and they try to swallow them, but they're not strong enough to swallow them because Third.

Andreya: Two halves. And um, just the moral of the story is rahoo is the desires and obsessions, and K two is the withdrawing force leading to wisdom and liberation. And it's just a reminder that there's always like this cosmic dance between attachment and detachment. And, um, yeah, Rahu and

LaToya: Ketu. It's one of my favorites, the stories, um, in astrology, and yeah, you can find other versions of it.

LaToya: Like, you can look into the Hindu pantheon, because there's more characters involved with their story. But this, this is a really good, like, gist of it, um, that you have, Andrea. And so, yeah, that, um, You can look it up by, you know, if we, I don't know if we can plug this link anywhere, but I have the, the story off of this website that I found and it has like the full, full story, but what Andrea had given, it was a good gist of

Iris: it.

Iris: I can put that link in the show notes Latoya.

LaToya: Okay, great. So yeah, so we'll have the link in the show notes and that will give you more of the details of the story, but yeah, Andrea you did a really good job and getting the meat of it. Yeah, it's really funny because every time I think of like a Rahu figure, it makes me think of Trump.

LaToya: So like, if you like need a person to think, you know, like, who is that figure, um, we were, we're watching that, you know, that Rahu type of figure in the world right now and looking for power and in places that probably shouldn't, you know, um, but becoming immortalized. So yeah, it's a fascinating, fascinating story.


Iris: Do you guys, how do you guys interpret the nodes in relationship to spiritual knowledge or spiritual seeking? Cause I've read interpretations that like the North node is, is like aspiring for spiritual knowledge. And I've also heard like the South node is indicating spiritual knowledge. Is it both?

LaToya: Yeah, I feel like, at least the way that I see it, Rahu or the North Node, um, is more concerned about material manifestation of desires. And as for K2, it's not so concerned about, um, The material side of things, but more of the spiritual aspect. And with me being a lunar eclipse baby, um, so it's like very prominent in my life with the South node.

LaToya: I observing my life, at least up to this point, I find that, yeah, I'm not really concerned about what things look like, or like the material side of things. I, I want. The, uh, deep experience. I want to feel freedom and, um, the, the freedom to explore what it is that I say, my calling, like, I feel called to do this and I'm okay with letting go of my home, letting go of all this stuff to be able to pursue that.

LaToya: And as for a raw hoop, I guess, like aspect, it would be more of like. I need this thing in order to fulfill this calling. I don't know. It's kind of like both. Does that make sense? It's like a pursuit of the, of the things. That's kind of like what I see. I don't know if that makes sense.

Iris: What do you think, Dre?

Andreya: Okay. Weird. Um, okay. Time I'm hearing about this perspective and. I think like the south node being, um, what we already know, like coming into this life and then the north node, having it be a path that we haven't been on, but we're going to be there on this life. I mean, we really have to understand that what we don't know has power within it.

Andreya: And that will lead us to our. Our north node, um, but, uh, admitting what you don't know, like, that's outside of your comfort zone, but that's also, I think, like, a really high, um, like, existence of tapping into spirituality, like, tapping into the abyss, um, I don't know if that answers the question, but that's, those are my thoughts.

LaToya: Yeah, yeah, because I think like with Rahu, especially with him being like that hunger, that need to become immortal, um, yeah, it's that, that need, that pursuit of, of whatever that thing is that we're desiring. But then Natal, you know, the K2 is that releasing, um, I don't know. I see it. It definitely ties together, but it is, there is that separation going on the leap.

LaToya: Yeah, that willingness to take that leap so that yeah, because it's not going to be a natural feeling to pursue that unless you have a really prominent Rahu or North node placement.

Iris: That's interesting. I'm definitely going to think about it more and do more research. I read a little bit about how different. Native American tribes view the eclipses, and I just wanted to offer some different experiences. So the Laguna Acoma Pueblo people believe that eclipses are times of great transformation, and they're not afraid of them.

Iris: The Pawnee people think that eclipses are when bad things happen and the Navajo practice a strict ritual of revenants during eclipses, which includes not eating or drinking, staying inside their home, And not directly looking at the eclipse.

LaToya: Yeah. And I know like with ancients as well, like they, they say that when the eclipses happen, this is when we have great leaders fall or rise, they pass away or come into power. Um, yeah, so that that's wonderful. Thanks for those different perspectives.

Iris: How do you guys view eclipses? Like, do you, I know for myself, like, I don't, I try not to practice magic around eclipses. Um, because I feel like it's a lot harder for me to hold on to energy. And like when you do magic, you have to raise energy. And then you have to hold it and then you have to direct it.

Iris: And I just feel like around eclipses, it's just hard. I just feel so porous, like it's hard to hold on to it. Um, and I've also, I've also had bad experiences around eclipses and like, just like being really, like I said before, energetically porous and having a lot harder time, um, Like having separate boundaries with people.

Iris: Like, I remember a day around eclipse season in like 2018, I think, or 2019. And like, I just, I kept picking up people's feelings and like, just being really overwhelmed with all of the sensory stuff going on too. I don't know. I just. I don't think eclipses are scary times and I don't think they're anything to be feared but I also don't think eclipses fuck around.

LaToya: They definitely don't. What do you think, Andrea? What is your? Yeah,

Andreya: I, eclipse season is definitely shaky ground and sometimes I catch myself explaining an eclipse. And I feel like I'm explaining Uranus energy, but Uranus and the eclipses really have nothing to do with each other, but maybe this time around since like Pluto is an Aquarius and there's like some other Aquarius that's happening, you know, The I mean, not to get everyone confused, but, um, detachment is a big Aquarius lesson as well.

Andreya: And like, with the clip season, like, we're talking about detachment to our expectations to where we think we're supposed to be and where we're going. And I just think, like, Be very curious during this time and like thank the goddesses and gods for astrology Um, because if we didn't have this tool then the ground that we're walking on would be way more shakier and like it would be very hard to find stillness and calmness within it um And I guess like me personally since I do like practice this tool of astrology all the time.

Andreya: Um, I'm excited for what's to come because I can reflect on just the different eclipses and what was happening and I can kind of get like a gist of what's going to happen now. And like, of course, it's going to be hard. Like I can't, uh, I don't have control over, like, the challenges, but I can prepare my mind, body, and soul and just know that I am not able to see, um, the conclusion just yet, but my higher self does, and I believe in my higher self.

Andreya: Um, you know, just like ride the wave and find the calm water in between what's going to be.

LaToya: Yeah, that's so good. That makes me think about, yeah, surfing. I'm personally really excited because it's like, yeah, if you're surfing, you see that wave coming and you're like, Oh, okay. Yeah, let's let's get ready and prepping myself up and get ready to stand.

LaToya: And then. ride that wave, let it take you where it needs to take you. Um, and so yeah, for me, I, when I just keep like the mantra I have is just like, okay, eat your whole foods, eat your foods that are going to feed your body, because here comes the wave and you need all your energy and your, your intention to, to be able to ride this out and not get wiped out.

LaToya: And if I do get wiped out, that's fine. You know, just, I'm going to go ahead and just find that calm water and rest. But I am personally excited for for for eclipse season because of that, that ability to look back on what happened before like you were mentioning, Andrea, and just knowing that. What has happened is specifically in October 23.

LaToya: Um, that's when we had the solar eclipse in Libra, this story that happened then is continuing. Here's the next installment or the next chapter, uh, or turning point that, um, is going to inform. The direction that the Libra house is, is going for me and, and how it supports my higher self's vision that I perceive and, and able to hold.

LaToya: Um, so I'm personally excited and also concerned cause I like to hold onto my things, but I also, I'm really ready to, to let them go too. So it's, it's yeah, mostly excitement that I'm, yeah, going into this open minded. A

Andreya: good tip on how to reflect if, like, you're not a consistent journaler, which it's okay, like, I'm, no one really is, you can look back in your camera roll and see what was happening October, 2023, uh, the hub says this a lot and it's a great tool.

Andreya: And if you say like, well, Andrea, all my pictures in October 23 are of my cat, like, okay. But like, you can go back to that moment and reflect upon like how you were feeling, like, what was like the themes of your life? Like, you know, go back to that moment on how you are feeling, you

LaToya: know? That's a great point.

LaToya: I never thought about that. Because I always say look at your journal or calendar. If you're like a person that's Schedules things but that's a good point because people do take pictures and a lot of their cats

LaToya: Look into your cat's eyes. They'll tell you What happened? Yeah, I

Iris: don't I used to journal like multiple times a week But now I journal like several months in between entries So looking at my phone pictures is much more Reliable

LaToya: Yeah, it's wonderful. I'm an avid journaler. Like I, I can, I have my meditation practice and, and need to like release every day.

LaToya: So yeah, but if you don't, that the camera is really helpful. That's like, I like that. I'm going to have to use that moving forward. Yeah.

Iris: I wanted to touch on what Latoya said about the last solar eclipse in Libra being on October 14th, 2023. So the next. Solar eclipse in Libra is October 2nd of this year.

Iris: So all of these eclipses are in conversation with each other. Um, there's going to be. Like, they're gonna be reinforcing similar themes in different ways, you know, lunar eclipses are endings, solar eclipses are beginnings, so you can just think about that and see how that relates to you.

LaToya: And

Iris: I wanted to touch on some of the Logistical stuff about the lunar eclipse.

Iris: So this penumbral lunar eclipse is March 25th. It's at 12 AM Pacific time. It's in Libra at five degrees, depending on how clear your night sky is. It will be visible to the Americas, parts of Antarctica, who the fuck is there, West Africa,

LaToya: Western

Iris: Europe, Japan, and East Australia.

Iris: Love it.

LaToya: It's exciting times. Yeah.

Andreya: Okay, so, um, Libra and Aries are polar opposites but we celebrate both during, uh, full moons during a lunar eclipse because what one has the other needs. And so Libra is the other and Aries is self. And so, in order to have harmonious relationships, we need to understand the harmony we have within ourselves.

Andreya: And so we celebrate both. Does anyone else want to add?

LaToya: That's that's pretty good. Yeah. Aries is asserting yourself and your own ideas. And then Libra is and thinks about partnerships and how it can serve the relationship and takes care of the relationship. So, um,

Iris: yeah, um, some things I wrote down independence verse interdependence.

Iris: Aries isn't afraid to step on toes. Libra wants to keep the peace. Aries takes action quickly. Libra deliberates over all the options slowly. Aries is war. Libra is peace. Aries is getting your way. Libra is compromising. And they're also both cardinal signs. So they're both the beginning of a season. So they both have this like skill set in initiating and starting new things.

LaToya: Nice.

Andreya: Also like with Libra, I love like referring to Lady Liberty. It's, it's such astrology in real life, especially like in Houston. We have a huge, um, moral of Lady Liberty. It's a black queen of Lady Liberty, Liberty and downtown Houston. And I just love referring, um, to that image because yes, she's holding the scales.

Andreya: And so she has space to hear both perspectives, but she's also blindfolded. So both perspectives, when they come to her, she doesn't have any bias. She's just observing and listening. And then in the other hand, she also has a sword. So once she hears both perspectives, um, she puts down her sword and like holds down these boundaries.

Andreya: Um, and I just, I just love that imagery.

LaToya: That's good. Yeah. It feels like it has both Aries and Libra together. It's beautiful. It's funny, I like to see the word boundaries bound Aries. It's, I don't know, it makes me think of like Aries is like holding that space of like, okay, we got to cut the, you know, cords or I don't know.

LaToya: This is kind of makes me think about that word. That's

Iris: funny. I've never thought of that.

LaToya: Yeah.

Andreya: And also, like, let's just end the stigma of Aries and selfishness. Like, I feel like that's just not a thing, like in order to have abundant. In relations, you need to know yourself. You need to have time for yourself and all of that is selfless.

LaToya: Yes, my husband who is an Aries, he likes to say self interested. So I'm like, okay, I like that more than selfish.

Iris: I mean, I think that all of the signs have a potential to act in ways that are unskillful and from places of ego. So I think that , I think Aries can be selfish, or self, like, too self oriented, or , egotistical.

Iris: But I also think that everyone can be that way, so.

LaToya: Yeah, I can see that.

Iris: Oh, do you guys have any stories about October 2023 Libra? Eclipse. Mm-Hmm.

LaToya: Um, I can start. Yes. That's, that's whenever I moved to, um, uh, to, to Bastrop. Nice. I don't know if I'm saying too much there, but I, I moved to a new town and connecting to a new community and so that is my third house, Libra. Um. And yeah, so I had to explore what's available here and who do I want to be in relationship with work wise, friends wise, um, you know, the astrological community here or if there's anything going on here, the spiritual community.

LaToya: Um, yeah, and so I, Was planted here and I'm starting to build my web, if that makes any sense. And in the story, the story continues now that eclipse season is here and, um, I'm getting into the markets up here and, um, yeah, talking to some people and seeing how it continued from there. So I'm excited.

Andreya: Nice. I mean, Latoya and I have similar timelines cause we're both Leo rising.

Andreya: And so, um, Libra is also in my third house. Aries is in my ninth. And so, uh, last October, I, um, well, like I got laid off and then like October was really like, okay, I'm going to fuck it. I'm just going to be a professional astrologer. Like this is no longer going to be on the back burner for me. It's up front and center.

Andreya: Like this is a priority. And so I was just like, full force, like doing markets, like going to different metaphysical stores, like just giving, getting my name out there, getting my practice out there and really just like seeing how I fit within these markets and in Texas being an astrologer and like learning how to navigate through different belief systems as being an astrologer, like wherever I could fit in.

Andreya: Um, And so like now this time around, um, yeah, like the, the story continues, uh, the spiritual community here, like my name is being thrown around, like people know me as the an astrologer. I just had a tea party with all the people that I've met through the spiritual markets at my home, like last weekend, it was beautiful.

Andreya: There was like 16 goddesses here and Um, you know, I'm building a community through the community that I was like forced to be in to succeed financially, but here we are, you know, like making a name for myself and seeing where it all goes. And I'm excited to keep learning, um, having Aries be the ninth and keep admitting what I don't know so that like, I just get more gifts and more abundance and.

Andreya: I mean, yeah, there's still a lot to come and I hope I'm prepared for it.

Iris: You guys both kind of touched on it, but do you have any predictions? And then if you don't use predictions, do you have any, like, hopes of things to embody? Like, that the eclipse is bringing about?

LaToya: Mm hmm. Yeah, right this, uh, this morning because I keep going back vacillating back and forth.

LaToya: Do I want it? I don't want it Why do I want it? You're doing the Libra thing Um, so one thing I I just like no, I really want this is a mobile home Like I want I want that so badly may that be a van That I can convert or an rv And it make it easier for my husband and I to You know Take on our opportunities that show up and, um, yeah, so that I want that and continue to, um, you know, just show up as an astrologer for my community professionally and support, support people and with my knowledge and skills and, and also get my Hellenistic.

LaToya: Certification so that those are those are my three things and I'm just like, please eclipse, please eclipse

Iris: Your hellenistic certification

LaToya: from where um, so chris brennan, um, yeah Yeah, I want i've been eyeing it for Several years, actually, because, um, yeah, I've just been listening to it, but I just kind of like, it's a lot. I didn't know it's a lot of money. And just kind of like, are you serious? Are you going to do this in the past?

LaToya: Like a couple of years? I'm like, I've been so consistent with my astrology work. Like, of course I am like, I can hold this. So now I'm just kind of like, let's invest. Like we've been Yeah. Yeah, looking at how do we want to invest in our education? And I'm like, I want to get that certification and just have that, you know, um,

Iris: me too.

Iris: I've been looking at it also for several years, but like 700 is a lot of money, especially when you're unemployed like me, but I know it's worth it. Cause like, my, my boyfriend took the class, um, a couple of years ago and he like, Like Chris Brennan provides so much content and like so much extras and I think it's definitely worth it, you know,

LaToya: yeah yeah, and I definitely want to learn from him because he's super thorough and Yeah, and that's just something that I want to strengthen in myself is to allow That space to be super thorough.

LaToya: Cause like me being a Gemini, I just kind of like, Oh, people don't want to hear that, like me go deeper and deeper and deeper. So it's just kind of like, I need that person that is willing to just be like, no, we're going to talk about this for three hours and not, yeah, skip the details. So I'm really, I'm really excited for that.

LaToya: Um, I think he's a great teacher for that. I've

Iris: never thought of where cars go in the birth chart, but like that sounds like third house,

LaToya: right? Yes. Yes. And that's, and my Jupiter is there and the eclipse is on my Jupiter. So I'm just kind of like, please, please. I don't know how, cause we don't have the money yet, but I'm I still believe that this can happen or, you know, the, the.

LaToya: The puzzles are coming together. The pieces are coming together. What if,

Iris: what about you, Dre? Do you have anything that you're predicting or hoping to like lean into more? Uh, I mean, last

Andreya: October, I definitely like had some predictions just like, Oh, hey, like, I think I'm gonna get a mentor, like a one to one mentor, which I've gotten offers, but like, nothing that like, just, I've read, uh, different professional astrologers at these markets, and two of them have offered like, I'll be your mentor, but like, Oh, wow.

Andreya: But I don't know. They're very kooky. And I know like mentors are like sometimes kooky, but I am still feeling it out. And, um, and then what was my other prediction? Oh, medical astrology. But I haven't created time to be serious about digging into medical astrology. And then, um, definitely just like leaning on community a lot.

Andreya: Which has happened, uh, like, the jobs I have now, I wouldn't have been able to obtain if Like my community didn't stick their necks out for me. Um, and so yeah, that's, that's all I have. That's all I had. For

Iris: sure. I'm a Libra rising. So this eclipse is in my first house, which is an angular house. So it's even more prominent I can't really think of what I was doing in October I think that was around the time our dog died.

Iris: So I think I was pretty fucking sad and I know for, I know for this eclipse, like, um, I started thinking about how, like, I want to be healthier and, like, make more lasting changes to my health and, like, for a combination of reasons, I, like, gained a lot of weight. Since the pandemic, and I have multiple health conditions that would benefit if I lost weight, and I think also I would just feel better about myself.

Iris: Um, and I'm not trying to be like fat phobic. I think all bodies are beautiful. Like, I'm fat, I'm beautiful fat, but like, I just want to make healthier choices. I'm also not saying that being fat isn't healthy. Like, there are fat people who are like, fucking lifting cars and shit. So,

LaToya: so

Iris: like, I'm not, I just, I'm just talking about myself.

Iris: And it's interesting cause like your moon sign, your, well the moon is related to the physical body in the first house is also related to the physical body. So it's interesting that this is, I'm like, I've been thinking about it for, for a long time, but I've, I've actually started doing it this week. I started yesterday.

Iris: Um, and I also have Saturn in my sixth house, So I feel like it took me a while to get to the point where I could actually commit to doing it on a, as a daily habit. But I'm hoping that Saturn will give me that lasting power to see it through. Um, but yeah, that's kind of where I'm at personally.

LaToya: Yeah. Yeah.

LaToya: It definitely sounds like a first house deal for sure. Yeah.


Iris: Um, yeah, so I just see, I don't know what orbs you guys use, but I just see this moon trining Pluto, and that I think is so interesting. It's a separating aspect. So like the planets aren't moving towards each other. But, um, I think it's interesting because, you know, Pluto is all about death, rebirth, transformation, compost, um, pulling out the roots.

Iris: And this eclipse lunar eclipses are about endings. So I think it's just like. more of that vibe, like empowering that vibe more of just like, okay, this is a time for transformation. I also like intuitively, I'm really getting the vibe of like, what you don't change, you repeat. So like, if there's cycles that you're unwilling to let go of that are harmful to you, you will repeat them.

Iris: Like the universe will give you opportunities to do different, but you can choose to do the same.

Andreya: So like, what are you going to

LaToya: do? Wow, yeah, I can see that. Especially with the aspect to Pluto. It's like you have this option, you're going to eat the berries and stay here or, or are you going to move on? Um, or yeah, maybe a little both.

LaToya: Yeah, I see that, that trying to Pluto and, um, that, that definitely gives me thought about, yeah, incredible, um, You know, power is revealed here and accessible if you want to use it. Like you said, um, I personally like that the ruler of this moon Venus is in her exalted sign Pisces. Oh yeah. Yeah. So she is, she's living it up.

LaToya: But with some restrictions, cause Saturn's hanging out there. And, um, so yeah, so she, she's, I call it like in her castle has access to all the luxuries that she desires and sense of unity, but with Saturn being there, she needs to be discerning on who is in her bubble, who is in relationship with her. And, um, be okay with holding boundaries that could be difficult for Pisces, but it is, it needs to be practiced with Saturn being there.

LaToya: Um, so that gives me a little bit of like, yay, there is some sweetness. Like it's not going to be extremely difficult, but there is that need for holding boundaries and discernment of the partnerships that you take on. I think with this eclipse.

Iris: Yeah, do you want to say anything, Dre?

Andreya: No, I think you guys covered mostly all of it.

LaToya: Okay,

Iris: um, how about, how is this lunar eclipse gonna impact the cardinal signs?

Iris: Well, it's gonna square Capricorn and Cancer and it's of course opposing the planets in Aries. Um, You know, squares are all about tension, conflict, breakthroughs. Pressure makes diamonds and squares give us pressure. So it could go either

LaToya: way. Yeah, I see it of like any planets or placements that you have that's near five degrees and the cardinal signs Capricorn Aries, Cancer Libra.

LaToya: Yeah, you're definitely, um, specifically like the Capricorn cancer, you would have to feel that pressure and make a decision on what you're going to do with it because of that square is inherently or it shares same similar qualities as Mars. And I always tell my clients like you need to give Mars a job or it's going to fuck shit up.

LaToya: So like think of Mars as that two year old kid that's like curious about the world Willing to climb things. Like if you're not going to give them something to do, they will find something to do. And so yeah, Capricorn's cancers, like if you're feeling that pressure, it's because we need to decide. zero in, what are we going to do about this conflict, this challenge, this crossroads that we are at?

LaToya: We can't, we can't just stand still because if we do, things are going to get fucked up. Um, so that, that's my suggestion for those signs, the squares at least.

Andreya: Yeah, the advice I have for cardinal signs is just know and understand your path is less traveled because it's solely yours. And so if you feel lonely during this time, just know that, like, the extra energy that you're given, it just, like Latoya said, like, it needs navigation, it needs direction.

Andreya: And, like, you don't need reassurance at this time, like, just feel into your body, you know what you want, and travel on your path. And it might be a little lonely, but At the same time like you're fulfilling your destiny and no one can do that

LaToya: but you Yeah, and and I know with it being the eclipse and libra so that tendency of wanting to people, please Um is definitely gonna be in the forefront and so it's okay that you Want to do something and stand up for yourself that if you do that that's going to make your relationships better um, so Yeah, don't be afraid to You To do that.

LaToya: I just wanted to piggyback off of what Andrea just said.

Iris: Yeah. Um, I think this eclipse in Libra is giving people the opportunity to let go of over relying on other people or over identifying with others or like losing yourself to other people. Um, like it's okay to stand in your own sovereignty. and affirm your own agency and strike out on your own.

Iris: Um, and like, it doesn't mean that you're selfish or you don't care about other people or you're not compassionate. If you like prioritize yourself, you have to prioritize yourself in order to

LaToya: survive. To thrive. Yeah. Yeah.

Andreya: Yeah. There is harmony and assertiveness.

LaToya: Yeah.

Iris: Let's go into the houses. We're gonna talk about this lunar eclipse in Libra through the houses. So if you don't know, the houses in the birth chart show different areas of life and they're really essential part of looking at charts.

LaToya: Yeah.

Andreya: You want me to just run through them? Yeah. Okay, cool. Okay, so if the Libra Eclipse is happening in your first house, just know that this might reveal, um, a revelation of yourself and your identity through your relationships. So your relationships might reveal something about you that needs healing, acceptance, and love.

Andreya: So the medicine is find self and community. Second house, um, really reflect upon your financial partnerships and resources. I think eclipse season is going to just reveal shifts in values and your priorities and how you relate to money. And so the medicine is just find the power in self so that you can put those boundaries down and like make those changes when it comes to your priorities.

Andreya: Third house, um, just be really open about collaborations. Um, this eclipse might reveal just like, uh, information that, and perspectives that you haven't thought of before. It's okay to listen. You don't always have to add something to the conversation. So the medicine is just like finding faith in what you believe in.

Andreya: Fourth house, um, Pay attention to just different family dynamics and the relationship you have with your home. Understand shared responsibilities within your family, within your home. The medicine here is just find self in initiation. You might have to bring the initiation you use at work into your home.

Andreya: Fifth house, yeah, this is about like finding your inner child, listening to them, understanding what they need. Playing with them. This eclipse season, I think, is going to reveal just different creativity that maybe you haven't practiced yet, and your partnerships or relationships or, um, romantic endeavors might reveal to you, like, what your inner child needs.

Andreya: So the medicine here is just find self in the curiosity of trying new things. Sixth house, um, the importance of asking for help. I think there's going to be a big lesson here, especially when it comes to just like different work environments and finding healthy routines. Um, yeah, you're, you're just gonna, like Iris was saying, like, they are just gonna be revealed to you in more ways on how to improve your wellbeing.

Andreya: I think the medicine here is finding self, finding self in stillness to align the body and mind. Okay, how are we doing? We're doing good? Yeah, perfect. Um, just reflect upon what you are giving and what you are receiving with all your relationships. Really understand what you're putting out there and if you're receiving if anything at all.

Andreya: Boundaries is a huge thing for you. So medicine here is find self by standing up. Eighth house. Eighth house is let's just create space. F facilitate space because you're gonna have different realizations on how you're doing. You might be like me and be really good at lying to yourself on how you're doing.

Andreya: So I think what's gonna be revealed here is just your grasp. Gonna be shake, shake, shooken, shooken. And trust is a huge theme here. Do you trust yourself? Who do you trust, um, and whatnot. So the medicine here is find self in priorities. Ninth house, um, uh, Oh, this kind of relates back to third, because again, we're working with polar opposites.

Andreya: So admit, admit what you don't know. Um, I think for you, this is the time to learn. Um, Again, uh, what's gonna be revealed is just different values and belief systems that you haven't heard of before, so find self in listening. 10th house, this is all about your career. So, there's gonna be shifts in how you represent yourself or, It's going to be revealed to you on how you are representing yourself to the public image, to the public eye, um, and you might want to change these things.

Andreya: So, the medicine here is find your comforts in this time of changing your, um, public image. Okay, two more. Eleven. Um, 11th house. Pinpoint your comfort zone, and then pinpoint your growth zone. Um, this will reveal community that will help you with your aspirations and dreams. Astrology believes in order for you to accomplish your biggest dreams, you need people to help, uh, you.

Andreya: So the medicine is helping others. 12th house, this is all about strengthening your relationship with spirit, source, God, your guides. Um, go inwards. The reasons. On why some things are challenging or word challenging or word dark are gonna reveal themselves. And so just find self in empathy and that's what I got.

Andreya: That's

LaToya: beautiful. That's a good, good way of doing all that. Nice. Thank you. Nice.

Iris: Again, that's just like all super generalizing. It like,

Andreya: it really depends on your chart and aspects and um. you know, that's just some key words to help you keep afloat, but definitely like get with your astrologer to get the whole reading on what this eclipse season has in store for

Iris: you,

LaToya: you know?

LaToya: Perfect. Yes.

Iris: I always, I always enjoy hearing your perspective, Dre. Yeah, it's so good. Yeah. You have such a poetic way. Of delineating too.

LaToya: Yeah, she does.

Iris: It's fun. Um, okay. We're going to close out. So we are going to start closing the episodes with a question, which is what are we up to professionally? Who wants to start?

Andreya: Okay.

Iris: Okay. Um, I, I am, uh, In the works of potentially offering readings and an astrology group to a magic shop in Portland. I'm still, like, in the interview process, I guess, so we'll see what happens. And I also got an opportunity to advertise and contribute an article, a small article, to a cycles journal created by Rachel Amber.

Iris: And it's a menstrual cycle tracker and also has spiritual content and like holistic medicine in it. And that's for 2025. So, It won't be available for a while, but that's cool. Very grateful. And if you want to get a reading from me, you can find me on Instagram or my website, which is linked in the show notes, iris, the brew X.

Iris: com. Um, Iris, the brew X on Instagram. I offer services ranging from 40 to 150. I offer tarot. Um, Reiki and astrology. My astrology services are sliding scale. I also have been studying perfection years and solar returns. So that's something that I'm going to start offering soon, um, which is like, Looking at your year ahead and predicting like how your year is going to look and like what are times that are going to be more supportive and what are times that are going to be more challenging.

LaToya: That's wonderful. Nice. So excited for you. And those that are able to work with you. That's great. All right, Andrea, what are you doing?

Iris: Uh,

Andreya: so right now I'm still doing markets all around Houston, Texas and outside of Houston, Texas. Um, and then I also work at Spirit Quest here and there, which is a metaphysical, it's an, it's actually an old home.

Andreya: It's an old two story home in like this really cute town, um, Spring, Texas. And, uh, we do readings upstairs. And, um, Universal Answers always has different events happening. We have online ceremonies. I'm always offering readings, um, on my website. And then, uh, yeah. Yeah, I'm always doing something.

LaToya: Yeah, that's wonderful.

LaToya: We're lucky to have you in Houston as well. Um, yeah, so for me, I am getting back into markets. I'm really excited. I'm seeing that that's a seasonal thing for me, maybe, or so, yeah, you can find me at the Austin Witches Market in, um, April. Was it 14th, I think? It's on a Sunday. Um, and I'm doing another market here this Sunday in Bastrop, so that's going to be fun.

LaToya: So if you're wanting in person readings, that's available to you, um, in the works of being an in house astrologer for, um, an occult shop here in Austin. And so I'm just waiting for the contract. And signing that. So I'm excited for that to be available to you guys in Austin and April. And if you're wanting to book a reading with me online, that's available to you.

LaToya: Just find me at Emerald astrology on Instagram, and we can get you set up. To get your reading. Um, yeah, my readings range from 60 to 188 and we can talk about anything and everything that you want. So that's available. Just find me at Emerald Astrology.

Andreya: Yay. Good job, everyone.

Iris: Sick. Thanks for listening to Real Life Astrology.

Iris: We are streaming on Spotify, YouTube, and Apple. Do us a favor and share this podcast with someone you think Might like it. Please like, follow, comment, rate, and review our podcast. Bye.


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Real Life Astrology Episode 2 Transcript