Iris the Brujx Iris the Brujx

Necessary Perspective Shift

We could all benefit from a regular shift of perspective. So often we become too caught up with our emotions and thoughts. Detachment helps us recognize that we are fundamentally not our thoughts or feelings. We are not our past choices. We are not our fears and insecurities. We are beings of compassion and loving kindness.

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Iris the Brujx Iris the Brujx

Oct 28th, 2023 Partial Lunar Eclipse

The Laguna-Acoma Pueblo people believe that eclipses are times of great transformation and not to fear them. The Pawnee people believe eclipses are when bad things happen. The Dine believe in a strict ritual of reverence during eclipses that includes not eating or drinking, staying inside, and not looking at the eclipse. Many cultures see eclipses as ominous.

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