Oct 28th, 2023 Partial Lunar Eclipse

Full moon rising over Monterrey, Mexico mountains in a blue sky.

Full moon rising over Monterrey, Mexico mountains in a blue sky.

On Oct 28th, 2028 there will be a partial lunar eclipse in Taurus 5°. A partial lunar eclipse is when the Earth orbits between the Sun and Moon, but the three are not perfectly aligned. Earth’s umbral shadow covers only a portion of the Moon resulting in just part of the Moon appearing red. This eclipse is not visible to us in the PNW or West Coast. It is visible partially to New York, Alabama and North Carolina. It is fully visible to Africa, Asia, Europe and half of Australia. Solar eclipses are new moons and lunar eclipses are full moons. They occur in signs of the same axis such as Taurus and Scorpio (this will be the last eclipse in this axis for some time). Like full moons lunar eclipses are associated with closures and endings.


Eclipses are seen as heightened and more intense so the endings during this time may be more dramatic and life altering. Lunar eclipses are times when we are more emotionally sensitive or even overwhelmed. Energetically you will be more porous so having skillful energetic hygiene practice can help counteract this. I see eclipses as huge surges of energy that course through you, but you do not get to keep any of this energy. It courses through you then it moves on. You may feel exhausted during this time and need more sleep or silence. You could experience increased nostalgia and be compelled to look back. Eclipses continue to influence you for at least 6 months after they occur. If you are ruled by the Moon, Cancer, you may be more impacted by this lunation.


The Laguna-Acoma Pueblo people believe that eclipses are times of great transformation and not to fear them. The Pawnee people believe eclipses are when bad things happen. The Dine believe in a strict ritual of reverence during eclipses that includes not eating or drinking, staying inside, and not looking at the eclipse. Many cultures see eclipses as ominous. This is why it is said to not practice magic during eclipse season which I observe seriously (tarot and ancestor work are ok). The eclipse energy is too wild and unpredictable to be channeled well. I will say if your Good Spirits and Benevolent Ancestors are encouraging you to do magic during this time do it but if not, best to play it safe and wait 2 weeks till Nov 11 to resume magical practices.


Taurus-Scorpio Eclipse Axis

Lunar Eclipse Nov 19 2021 Taurus 27°

Lunar Eclipse May 15 2022 Scorpio 25°

Solar Eclipse Oct 25 2022 Scorpio 2°

Lunar Eclipse Nov 8 2022 Taurus 15° 1:23 PM PST


Since 2021 we have only had Taurus lunar eclipses so the house in Taurus in your birth chart has experienced significant repeated losses or closures. Look at that house to see where you have experienced endings. If the eclipse is happening in an angular house (1rst, 7th, 4th, 10th) it will be more powerful. Look to the houses of the fixed signs Scorpio, Aquarius and Leo especially between 0° to 10°. The themes of these houses can illustrate where in life you have been transformed and challenged by the eclipse. Venus also rules Libra so also look to that house in your chart for where you are experiencing upheaval and endings. Venus is transiting Virgo, so she is debilitated and not able to operate at her most beneficial or effective. Taurus represents what stabilizes and secures us. You may find yourself tested in those areas. Lean on the people and Good Spirits who support you and know this will pass.

US Sibly chart with Oct 28th Lunar Eclipse transits.

US Sibly chart with Oct 28th Lunar Eclipse transits.

Looking at the US Sibly transit chart for the lunar eclipse Oct 28th Taurus is the 6th house and Scorpio is the 12th house. Traditional significations of the 6th house are misfortunes, troubles, bad luck, illness, disease, accidents, injuries, servitude, slavery, jobs, bondage, oppression, military, armed services, enemies, insurrections, and animals especially as workers.


How has Taurus 6th house themes showed up in the US and worldwide? We experienced significant losses from the COVID pandemic and worldwide food shortages caused by climate change that took the form of severe heatwaves and flooding. Right now we are witnessing Israel intensify the violence they have been committing against the Palestinian people for 75 years. They have forced Palestinians to the borders but have closed the borders so no one can leave while continuously sending airstrikes to Gaza, Syria and Lebanon. They are kettling them to murder them more effectively. This is genocide. A genocide that has been funded and supported by the American government. Israelis have died too and that is not to be minimized. To contextualize, more Palestinians have been killed over the last 12 days than the total number of Israelis over the last 30 years.


With the Ruler of the 5th in the 12th, I anticipate we witness the deaths of children increase, more than 1,000 Palestinian children in Gaza have been killed by Israel since Oct 7th. 5th house rules children and 12th house can indicate loss. With the Ruler of Taurus, Venus, in the 10th house the US will continue to publicly support Israel. Biden has “declared war on Hamas” and approved more military assistance to Israel on top of the billions already given. Mercury will conjunct Mars in the 12th house. Mercury is the psychopomp, mover between life and death. Mars rules war. These planets are opposing the Moon in Taurus resulting in further agitation. I do not predict a ceasefire. I see an intensification of violence. Especially with Jupiter conjunct the Moon, stoking the flames.


According to mundane astrology, lunar eclipses effect the proletariat more while solar eclipses impact the bourgeoise. I believe with the increase in violence we will also continually witness the powerfulness of Palestinian resistance against the Israeli state with worldwide support. During such devastating times it is critical we do not ignore the genocide because it is so painful to acknowledge. Do what you can to support whether that is go to a protest, babysit a kid so someone can go protest, give money to ethical sources, speak out or better yet amplify the voices of Palestinian people speaking out, pray, etc. Take the time to eat well, get rest and ground yourself via somatic practices like deep breathing, emotional freedom technique or mindfulness walking. Hang in there kitten, shit is only gonna get more chaotic.









https://www.dci palestine.org/one_palestinian_child_in_gaza_killed_every_15_minutes_by_israeli_forces




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